20. the transfer student was acting weird

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Back when you were still in the hands of the developers, unable to have a free will of your own, you simply didn't care at first. This world was too dull for your liking, and it's not like there's anything you really wanted to do. However, when you met Chen Miao and had killed him multiple times in the name of love; that's when you started to gain self-awareness.

You don't know if it was the truth or not; the system told you that it was all thanks to its request to give you free-will that made you sentient, but thinking back, even if the system was the one that gave you a mind of your own, it was Chen Miao who made you looked forward to this repetitive man-made world.

Perhaps your feelings for him was fake. Perhaps what you felt for him was simply what the developers designed for you to feel, but so what? You still feel something for him. You still like him.

Ifー If Chen Miao is really not what you think he is, then that's okay. You're already grateful that he, at least, existed alongside you. If prying further will make things worse for him, then you will be obedient. You will remain ignorant for his sake.

However, this is not an act of submission. You only gave him the upper hand here because you trusted him, and if he decided to abuse that trust, then the two of you are even.

You won't have to feel guilty any longer by the fact that he died multiple times in your hands.

"It's late," the protagonist suddenly stated. His fingers gently brushed against your hair before pulling you away from his embrace. "Do you want to stay at home or...?"

Home. Chen Miao described his house as your home. Your cheeks heat up at the thought.

"I will go to school," you answered. "After all, staying at home will only bore me."

"Then I'm going to get ready first, okay?" He seemed worried that you might push yourself again.

You nodded, glancing at the half-eaten food. "Then I will wash the dishes."

Chen Miao decided against it but after you begged him to let you do this at least since he cooked for you, the man eventually relented and left to change his clothes. You went to grab the plates and washed them in the sink. 

After you were done, your eyes then instinctively made its way to the white door that you've never got the chance to enter before in your lives.

ーChen Miao told you not to remember, but he didn't tell you not to pry further.

So you went to the door, turning around the doorknob and found that it wasn't locked.

Pushing the door open, you found that the light inside weren't turn off so you took a peek, but as expected, there's no stairs leading to a creepy basement nor there are torture devices inside. It's just a storage full of unused, broken things and cleaning equipments. You frowned and went in, until you reached an old television placed on top of a shelf.

But this television is not only old, it is also broken; Its screen was shattered.

You looked down at the mess of broken pieces of glass on the floor, kneeling down to carefully picking a piece of it gently so that it would not cut you. You don't know why you pick it up, but once you did, a thought came to your mindー

ーif this world was a game, Kai was the player, Chen Miao was the protagonist, and you were the villain, then what was the true ending of this world?

Normally if one play games, there would always be, at least, two types of ending; the good and bad. Let's say that the part were the protagonist died is the bad one, then what is the the good one? What should the players do to win this game?

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