21. the protagonist was jealous

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Now, what should you do?

In a situation where a man who had disappeared a whole day ago suddenly acted like he's in love with you, obviously you would be skeptical by his change of heart. After all, the last time you saw him, this man had accused you to be a stalker and a liar, and though he wasn't wrong, there's no way such a person would, out of nowhere, fall in love with you.

ーthere must have been a reason behind his action.

You frowned, trying to speculate but end up with nothing. Your eyes then glanced at Chen Miao who has been silent all this time. Although you didn't like it, if it's for the protagonist's sake, you wouldn't mind playing along with the transfer student's charade. After all, he is the key to Chen Miao's freedom.

If you can just lock Kai's up somewhere, then the developers can't send another playerーor actorーto control Chen Miao.

"Anyway," you smiled. "I'm glad that you're alright. You need to take care of yourself better, since we don't know what might happen if you don't."

He laughed sheepishly. "I tend to forget doing that since in the past, someone else would do that for me already."

"Your mother?" You guessed randomly.

"It was the girl I'm interested in," he answered with a loving smile. "When I was sick, she sent me porridge. When I was in a state of depression, though I can't see her, I can always feel her care. She took care of me as if I was the most precious to her that it's hard not to love her, you know?"

At this point, your expression had gone stiff. Memories of you feeding Chen Miao porridge when he was sick, personally taking care of him when he became depressed, crossed your mind, and you instantly understood that since Kai and Chen Miao shared the same lives previously, then he would also experience the care you had given to Chen Miao.

But why now?

If he's going to use that excuse as a reason to his sudden liking towards you, shouldn't he have behave like this on the first day he transfered here? Yet why is he doing this now? That's suspicious.


『am i missing something here? i don't recall there's anyone like that around our husband??

『that's why you brainless fools need to think instead of just seeing. what's the point of that god-given brain if you're not going to use it, heh

『even if we were a brainless fool, at least we don't have rotten hearts such as yours, heh

『so our kai has someone he likes... goー good for him (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')』

『hmm, am i the only one who feels strange? did i miss a plot or something?

You sneered, "Really? Then good luck on trying to gain her heart."

The transfer student smiled, but for some reason, you saw a hint of provocation in that smile. "Thank you."

Then all of a sudden, a hand reached out to grab ahold of your sleeve. You were taken off guard when you see it was Chen Miao. He was looking down, so you were unable to see his face, but you can see the insecurity in his action; the way his hand slightly quivered as he tightened his hold on your sleeve.

It was as if he was silently begging you to not abandon him.

Your heart throbbed at the sight and instinctively, while ignoring the existence of Kai and the others, you touched the wrist of the hand which was holding your sleeve. The protagonist flinched under your touch, causing him to rise his head to see your face smiling lovingly at him.

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