19. tampered memory

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The burn from the sunlight that entered through the window woke you up immediately. You frowned, feeling contempt at the person that opened the curtains, until you recalled that you were in the protagonist's house so naturally it could only be Chen Miao. At the possibility, you quickly turned apologetic. You were just that biased towards him. However, after thinking for a long time, there was something that you found weird.

How did you fall asleep here?

You remembered feeling sick after having a study session with Chen Miao and thenー

ーthen what happened?

You tried to remember but since you remembered nothing, you concluded that you had been sleeping until now. You glanced at the floating chat screen in front of you but the comments were moving too fast that you could barely read anything so you gave up, opting to search for Chen Miao instead.

You opened the door and immediately heard the sound of sizzling in the kitchen. You went to check the source of noise and found out that it was the protagonist cooking himself a breakfast. A smile made its way on your face when you see the two plates he prepared on the counter, but before you got too happy, you rationalized yourself that the second plate might be for his mother instead of you.

After all, if what that system said wasn't a lie, then Chen Miao right now should have known what you had done to him in those previous timelines.

ーstalking, coercion, threat, murder, harrassment.

If you were him, the first thing you would do was to get revenge on your murderer, and yet why does Chen Miao treat you so kindly?

You frowned in confusiom and observed the protagonist as he prepared the meals silently. The man eventually noticed you when he was putting the fragrant rice and the sizzling vegetables on the plate. He instantly smiled, and you recalled how hard it was to see him smile at you like this back when you were still hadn't been able to gain control of your body.

Still, you smile back.

"Let me help you." You went to grab the plates from his hands. "By the way, Chen Miao, where's your mother? Is she still isn't awake yet?"

He chuckled lightly. "I don't have parents."

"Huh? Butー"

You were about to reply but you quickly forgot what you're about to say. You went silent for a while. Yes, of course, why did you assume that Chen Miao has a mother? Before, when you had been stalking him, not once had you seen his parents so why were you so convinced that he had a mother right now?

"I see. I don't have one too," you smiled. "Then can I assume that you make this for me?"

"Who else would I make it for if not you?" He took a seat. "Let's eat."

You nodded and took a seat in front of him. The meals that you had with him was delicious, yet all you can think about is the conversation you had with the system.

"System. Right now, is there any player out there controlling Chen Miao?"

「Hmm? So long as the matter with Kai isn't resolved yet, there will be no player controlling the protagonist.

"Then, right now, the one I've been talking to all this time, is really Chen Miao?"


"Then does he know? Does he remember?"


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