23. error

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You sighed in disappointment. "I wouldn't even be as mad as this if you were just being honest with what you wanted."

"What I want...?"

This time, he was looking at you fiercely, dropping all the pretense he had earlier.

"Will you even give me what I want?"

"That's why negotiation exist, isn't it?" You were looking at him as if he was a fool. "You give me what I want and I will give you what you want."

He snickered. His sudden change of mood is probably because he felt insulted when you mocked him earlier, you assumed.

"What do you want then?"

You glanced at the door before turning your attention back to the transfer student. "I know what this world is actually is and I know who you truly are. What I'm asking from you is simple; I want you to give Chen Miao's freedom back. Choose another protagonist or stop the developers from influencing this world, I don't care, I just need Chen Miao to be free."

『damn, i know that this might be scripted but it so cool that the npc looks like she has her own free will

『that devotion of wanting to save your beloved. oh god when will you give me a gf like that

『lmao when god finally granted you a gf who stalked and murdered you, don't come crying to him okay

『why are you guys so hang up on that? she's changing okay. in this timeline, she hasn't cross any line yet and she looks way more gentler than the previous seasons

『she's changing because of ah miao♡

『upstairs, i bet you haven't gone to kai's channel at all or seen the first season of this show yet right?

『no, this is my first time and i'm not interested in your idol

『i see. then i won't spoiled you :)

When you told him your request, you had expected three answers from him; the first one was that he accepted, the second he refused, and the third he pretended to accept and trick you, but you didn't expect that he would laugh.

His laughter was as if mocking you and the way he looked at you was as if you were a foolish being; it almost like he pitied you.

But why?

"You're so pathetic it's laughable honestly," he leaned down, close enough to whisper. "You know what, that's what I want too. I want Chen Miao to be 'free' so that she could be happy, but he, in his confuse state, chose to be chained down here with you."

She? You frowned and deliberately let him taunt you for information.

"You think Chen Miao is pitiful? You think his situation is more miserable than yours? Then you think too highly of yourself," he chuckled. "The one who needed to be saved here isn't Chen Miao but you. Chen Miao was never trapped in here to begin with, he just chose to be here because of you."

『huh? huh?? what is this plot twist?

『lmao it was never a plot twist to begin with, if you watch season 1, it mentioned there that miao was also an actor but too many seasons passed that i wouldnt be suprised people would forget that

『wth so these guys are playing with this female npc's feelings?? that's horrible

『i was actually rooting for miao x (y/n) but you're telling me that this relationship is based on deceit??

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