Chapter Seven

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**Audri’s POV**

I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off obnoxiously. I groaned, hitting it and shoving my face back into my pillow. I sighed, knowing that I had to get up. I stood up and checked the time. 5:00, I have an hour and a half to get ready. I left my room and headed down the hall. I took a piece of bread and ate it before walking back to my room and getting the clothes that Danielle laid out for me and heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower I slipped on the Jack Wills dress, it was black with little flowers or whatever all over it and a pink ribbon that hung around my hips. I had matching pink converse, black, white and pink rubber bangles and a pink pendant necklace. I walked out with a brush, brushing my hair as I walked to the kitchen. I checked the time, 5:30. Still have an hour.

I walked back to the bathroom, closing the door and starting to blow dry my hair. I feel.. uncomfortable in the dress but I guess I’ll get over it. I dried it so that it would curl the way I wanted it and sighed, walking out. 6:00. I walked into the kitchen to see Liam just waking up and making a cup of tea.

“You want tea?” He asked sleepily. “Yeah, sure.” I said, sitting at the little island at the edge of the kitchen. He made the tea and passed a mug to me, sitting down next to me. “You look pretty,” He said once he got a few sips into his system.

“Thanks, Dani picked it out.” I told him, slinging to my mug desperately. He chuckled. “You’re uncomfortable.” He stated. I nodded, one of my hands heading to play with the hem of my dress that ended right above the knee.

“I feel.. exposed.” I told him honestly, shrugging. He chuckled, taking another sip of his tea. “Is this who you want to be?” He asked me. I looked down and smiled a bit. “I don’t have to change the inside.” I told him, looking up at him. He kissed my forehead, dumping his empty mug in his the sink and heading to his and Dani’s room. I sighed, getting up and grabbing an apple from the counter and sitting back down. “Ready for school!?” A voice asked, barging into the flat. I jumped a bit, turning to see Niall and Harry walk in both smiling cheekily.

“Um…” I said, taking a bite of my apple. “I guess.” I said once I swallowed. “LIAM! We’re leaving!” Harry shouted as I stood up and grabbed my bag off the couch, slinging it over my shoulder. It was one of those messenger bags that falls to about my thigh.

“You guys are still in school?” I asked lightly as they led me out of the flat and down to the parking lot. “Yup, seniors.” Harry said, smiling. I nodded, sliding into the front seat of the car. “You’re a senior?” Niall asked with a smile. I nodded, smiling shyly.

Harry got into the driver’s seat and started the car, pulling out and making his way to the school.

“It’s huge..” I stuttered, stepping out of the car, my eyes wide. Niall chuckled, “I’ll show you around if you need it.” He said, smiling at me. I returned the smile, walking into the building and looking for the main office.

“Um, Ni?” I asked, he turned to me with a smile. “Where’s the main office..?” I asked, he just smiled and took my hand, leading me through the crowded hallways. Girls gaped at him, batting their eyelashes at him. Some guys glared, some looked jealous. “Want me to wait for you?” Niall asked. I bit my lip and he laughed.

“I’ll wait here.” He told me. I nodded and pushed the door open, walking up to the counter. “Hi, I’m starting today and I need my schedule.” I said to the secretary. She nodded. “Name please?” She asked, standing up.

“Audri Cooper.” I told her, watching her open a file and rummage through it. She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. “Good luck.” She said, sitting back down in her desk. I swallowed the lump in my throat, walking out of the office and turning to Niall. He took my schedule and smiled.

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