Chapter Ten

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**Audri’s POV**

“Wow, such a slut. I saw you leave with Niall yesterday, and you walk with Harry today?” Some girl said, smirking at me. I raised an eyebrow at her and was about to retaliate when Harry kicked in.

“Hold on, you just called Audri a slut? Oh no, you have the wrong definition. Sorry, Audri isn’t a slut.” Harry said, chuckling a bit. I smiled at bit at him before the girl laughed. “Trust me, she’s a slut. And you know it. How much do you pay her? Or does she pay you per round?” She asked. I bit my lip, my eyes trailing down to the ground.

You’re beautiful. You don’t need them to think so too, because you are to me. Niall’s words flooded my ears. “Just because I spend time with them, I don’t need you to approve of it.” I said to her, grabbing Harry’s hand and walking away from her. I took a deep breath, my eyes spinning quickly as I looked at everyone who’s eyes were also on me.

“Cristin!” I shouted when I saw her, smiling and waving. She smiled, making her way over to us after saying goodbye to her friends. “Audri! Harry! Hi!” She said, coming up to us. We stopped by my locker, where we’re supposed to meet Niall, and I opened it while Cristin and Harry started to talk.

“Hey, beautiful.” I heard a voice say. Ever since I told Niall about my insecurities he took it upon himself to make me feel beautiful all the time. Which can get annoying. I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue out at Niall who just smiled at me. “When will you guys start going out?” A voice brought my attention back to Cristin and Harry.

I blushed, glaring at Harry. I looked over at Niall out of the corner of my eye to see that he was glowing red as well. Cristin said, “Wait, you aren’t going out?” I sighed and my blush got worse.

“Well, when are you guys gonna go out? I mean, everyone can see you guys like each other.” I said, trying to turn the table. “You see, that doesn’t bother us.” Harry said, chuckling.

“I’ll ask Cristin out when I feel comfortable.” He added, winking at me. “Whereas Niall needs a little push sometimes, huh Nialler?” He said, smirking at Niall. I turned to Niall to see he was now the color of a lobster. Harry patted him on the back before both he and Cristin left us.

“Well, that was awkward.” I said, laughing a bit and turning back to my locker to get the books I needed. I let my brown hair fall down as a shield between Niall and I, and cursed in my head when he pushed it back behind my ear. He nodded, smiling. I grabbed my stuff and closed my locker, smiling at Niall as we both headed off to history.

“Do you liked me?” I asked suddenly after a few minutes of silence. The teacher left the room for some copies and we were working in pairs on a worksheet. I was working with Niall, as usual.

“W-what?” He asked, looking up at me. “I… Never mind.” I said, blushing a bit and turning back to the worksheet and underlining the answer to something. “I found the answer to number 4.” I said softly, pointing it out to him.

“I do, actually.” I heard him say. “What? No, I found it.. here..” I said, confused. “No, I like you. A lot actually…” He told me. I looked up at him, reading his eyes. “Not because you feel bad for me?” I asked softly.

He laughed a bit. “Not at all. You’re stunning, funny, nice, smart… there’s nothing else I could ever ask for in a girl.” He said, smiling. “Well, we can get you appetite up I guess.” He added, winking at me. I smiled, laughing a bit and turning back to the paper since I didn’t know what to say.

“I like you too.” I said finally, smiling a bit at him. He smiled brightly at me before pointing out that he found the answer to the next question, and then our conversation was forgotten as the teacher came in and started the lesson.

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