Chapter 45 - The Collision Ends - Countdown to Ignition

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The following chapter is the final chapter of the Destined to Collide. I'm thinking of making the whole Collision Expands a separate book because the story prior to it ended the way it should've and this is more of a sequel. This chapter will bring in the elements of Cogs of Deception to introduce the theme and major players of Ignition to Cognition. Carmen and her family, Noah/Emily, Zach/Kimberly, Russ, the villains of Ignition to Cognition;

new Manhattan apartment of Carmen and her family; (translated from Spanish);

Carmen- "Ricky, we have to go back to San Diego," I say to my husband, Ricardo, "there's been nothing but drama ever since we moved east."

"Mi amora, it's not so bad," Ricky says, "I've got a job, you got a job, we're safe and the kids are happy at school."

Sometimes I hate how positive he is about everything but that's why I fell for him in the first place.

"They absolutely are NOT happy at their school, Ricky, and you know it," I say, "both Liam and Mateo hate their school and Noah hasn't attended school all year. It's his senior year after all. We haven't even talked about college since we moved out here."

"Mi cariña, you know he's been going through a rough time," he says, "that's why we brought him to this City. To get away from all that drama. New York is the perfect place for a young man like him to find himself, Si?"

"I guess," I say meekly, "well, I'd at least like to move back to our house in Jersey. I already miss Liam and Mateo. And it's so toxic here with Chad and Janine."

"No problemo, chica," Ricky says, "if you want to go back there, that's okay with me, but I suggest you speak with Janine about this. She may still need help from a professional, no?"

"Fine, I'll talk to Janine first," I say, "she has her mom and her sister. But while you're here with your construction job, you need to find a school for Noah that will take someone for just senior year." Then I realize I haven't seen Noah all day, "where is Noah anyways?"

"Oh, he needed fresh air," he says, "he wants to walk around the city."

"But he doesn't know this city, Ricky," I say concerned, "I don't want him to get lost in a bad neighborhood or something."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about that, Carmen," he says with a knowing grin, "he's not alone. He's with Janine's sister Emily. She knows the city a little from visiting."

Suddenly, those words kind of put me at ease. In the short time we've known her, I can tell Emily is sweet and grounded girl. And I hear she's going to attend senior year out here, too.

I didn't know that she and Noah were that friendly yet. I think she can help Noah get out of his funk that he's been in since his tryst with Krystal.

New York subway on the way to Brooklyn; Introducing a new character;

Emily- Noah's a little mysterious; I can't help but want to want to know more about him. Besides, I had to get out of that toxic apartment.

I love my sister and mom and I also love Chad, still, despite his behavior the last few weeks. I'm really heartbroken that they're getting divorced because they were my inspiration for what a long, happy relationship should look like.

"Thank you so much for coming with me, Em," Noah breaks the silence, he hasn't wasted any time with the nicknames, "I know I've been a little aloof towards you since we met. I know we've only known each other for a short time but I like having you around. You're positivity is contagious. I've just been going through a lot lately but I hope this trip will give me the closure I need."

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