4. Half-Breeds

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Second Year, 1974

I sit with Remus Lupin on the train ride home after my second year, his third. The two of us have formed a bond on a single shared bases, we're both half-breeds.

Remus Lupin is a very awkward tall for a thirteen year old boy, his shoulders constantly rounded into his chest causes him to look slightly smaller then he truly is, but only slightly. His sandy brown hair falls in fluffy swoops to hide his scar and freckle covered face, as well as his piercing hazel eyes. He's going to be incredibly handsome in a few years, I'm calling it.

The two of us were mere acquaintances last term, but after Christmas break this year we became much closer. The two of us ran into each other after class and decided to head to the library together, to which we then sat behind a table filled with evergreen robes.

"My father works for the ministry in the Magical Creatures department and he told me they're trying to pass a law that gives funds to half-breed scum! Werewolves, mers, trolls, the whole lot! Any witch or wizard with at least a quarter of beast blood would get our hard earned money, can you believe that?" The high pitched whine poured from Lucius Malfoy's mouth with poorly disguised disgust. My eyes snap to the table only to meet the stare of Regulus Black.

"It's bad enough they're allowed to live in magical neighborhoods, now they're trying to give away our money, it's a mockery of wizard kind." He continues and my eyes water, still locked with Regulus's. The boy to his right, Severus Snape, nudges him and says,

"What do you think bout it Reggie?"

"Half-breed filth has no place in our world." The words are cold and piercing, as the tears overflow and stream down my cheeks a warm hand over mine breaks me from my sadness. Sitting beside me is Remus Lupin with matching watery eyes, his scars have never seemed more stark against his skin.

"Let's go," he suggests gently and waits for me to pack my things. The two of of somberly walk out of the library and through the magical halls, after a few minutes in silence I lead us to the Black Lake. Taking a seat on the dock we stare into the water.

"Hey Remus." My voice is much smaller then I want it to be.

"Yeah Diana?"

"What do you think of half-breeds?" The words are low and full of fear, we both continue to stare at the lake.

"I think no one asks to be a half-breed." A beat of silence.

"I know you're a werewolf." I whisper into the air.

"I know you're a mermaid." He whispers back.

We make tearful eye contact and exchange understanding smiles.

With no one else knowing our shared secret we became close friends, I often confide in him about how much I long for the sea and he tells me he wishes he was a normal wizard. The bond between two outcasts is much stronger then most would think.

"Would it be okay if I wrote to you?" The question forces it's way out of my mouth before I can stop it, embarrassment makes my cheeks flush.

"Thank Merlin you asked, I had no idea how", is his teasing reply, but his warm hazel eyes are still kind.

"And here I was thinking you're the Gryffindor." I poke back just as jokingly, excited to have finally made a real friend.

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