6. Treasured Memories

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Third Year, 1975

It's once again time to go back home, this year has gone by much better then my last two. After making friends with the Marauders as they call themselves I've found that it is much easier to just make friends with people who accept you for who you are rather then lie to be someone you're not.

Sirius and I have spent several nights talking about how hard it is to live up to other's expectations after he confided to me about his home life. James loves to talk about marine life with me, he's surprisingly fond of animals. Remus has taken to teaching me the wonderful art of origami every day during lunch. And I often find myself dragging Peter to play wizards chess with me. It's been nice having real friends.

I think back onto this year as I bask in the sun rising above the Black Lake, golden light warming my very soul.

"Isn't it a little early to go for a swim?" A voice snatches me from my mind as i violently twist to face the speaker. Regulus Black. We haven't spoken to each other since first year, however his familiar gaze often finds mine when we're in the same room. My heart stands stern after I remember what he said about half-breeds.

"I'm not swimming, just sun bathing." I reply factually not sparing him a second glance, he has become very handsome over the last three years.

"I don't know how to swim."

"Then I hope you don't fall in." Anger towards him slithers through my blood remembering his words, half-breed filth has no place in our world.

"Would you not save me?"

"And get my robes wet? I think not", is my haughty come back as he sits close to me. Stealing a quick glance towards him I become quickly entrenched by his stormy eyes, they remind me of hurricane clouds on the horizon at sea. He huffs out a laugh,

"That's not very Hufflepuff of you."

"It's not very Slytherin of you to be speaking to a muggleborn." Silence hangs in the air after that, the sun steadily rising above the trees while morning dew clings the dock.

"Perhaps I don't care", his voice is quiet. I almost don't hear him at all. Half-breed filth has no place in our world.

"Perhaps you don't, but I would find that surprising."

"And why's that?"

"Because I've heard how you and your friends talk about us." The air turns still. Birds sing in the trees, nature's soothing melodies filling the silence.

"What're you doing here so early?" A complete topic change, so what I said bothers him.

"I like to watch the water, it reminds me of home", I reply simply.

"Can you tell me about it?" The request is small and he continues to stare forward even as I turn my head towards him.

"My yiayia and pappa live in a cottage on a secluded beach in Santorini, there's a dock there just like this one. My mama and I like to watch the sunrise from there, I miss her and the ocean, this is the closest I can get to either of them." Adoration fills my voice, those times are my precious, I keep them safely stored in my minds treasure cove.

"That sounds lovely."

"It is."

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