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" What do you mean you want to quit ?"

The old woman was looking at her as if she'd grown a second head . It came as a surprise to witness her emotionless boss staring at her with glossy eyes and something sharp began to pull at her heartstrings . Peaches looked at her boss sorrowfully , her plumpy hands unconsciously tightening around the creased apron in her grasp . It was a sign of nervousness and it could be seen from the way she kept glancing around the bustling kitchen .

She was looking for an escape route because the guilt was eating away at her flesh , resulting in the way she instantly flushed when she met eyes with the head chef once more . She quickly directed her attention elsewhere and immediately scanned at every chef's expression , wishing that someone would help her out of her predicament . Peaches bit her lip out of nervousness while everyone continued doing their assigned tasks with the least worry in the world .

Sweat beads started forming on her forehead when she noticed that no one had been looking at them anymore . They were either working peacefully in their kitchen stations or shouting for extra ingredients which irked the head chef for some unknown reason .

Peaches sighed dejectedly before turning her attention back to her bewildered boss . She scratched her neck nervously , laughing awkwardly when the old lady squinted her beady eyes .

" I asked you a question Peaches !"

" I mean that I don't want to work here anymore chef Flay and I don't mean this in a rude way but I've had enough of your whining . I can't do anything valuable anymore because you're always on my case , and I feel like I need a break . I need to work on myself , I barely get any sleep because you keep complaining about how I'm not doing my work properly . I know very well that I'm not needed here so let me go ." said Peaches  while maintaining eye contact with her boss .

" She's right boss , let her go . The restaurant can do better without her !" Peaches heard someone's voice yell over the clanking culinary and rolled her brown eyes at the nuisance .

It was Toni who had spoken , the most annoying and narcissistic person she'd ever come across . They both hated each other with fueling passion . Peaches couldn't help but give him the middle finger . She had been suppressing her resentment for too long but now she could finally let lose . She was as free as a bird after all .

" Chef Storm , you really need to just admit that you're threatened by me because for one , people actually love my cooking and secondly , I know how to keep my station clean unlike you who doesn't know proper hygiene . Don't you forget that I made you to be what you are today and you should be thanking me for it . "

After insulting the flustered boy , she smiled proudly . Toni huffed before muttering incoherently under his breath . He went back to what he was doing and Peaches took that as a opportunity to place her apron down . She'd made her final decision and there was no going back as she would deal with the consequences later .

" Very well then , if you wish to quit then I should find myself a new Sous chef . Thank you for your dedication Peaches , the kitchen won't be the same without you ." the head chef said , smiling stiffly , her hands positioned behind her rigid back .

Peaches knew that her boss wasn't happy about her resignation . She could tell from the way the head chef's lower lip kept twitching downwards but she couldn't find it in her bones to care . She was finally free from the chef's oppressive nature .

" I'll be seeing myself out . It was an honor working with you Chef Flay ." Peaches said curtly .

She extended her manicured hand to her boss before giving the old lady a firm handshake . They held a stare contest for a minute longer , not wanting to back down . It was always the same with them , always fighting for dominance . Peaches was about to say something before the chef reached into her pocket to retrieve her phone , leaving Peaches with a wide open mouth .

" Okay ..." she muttered slowly .

Peaches was not aware that the kitchen staff had gathered from behind her as she stared at her boss's retreating figure .

Why do I feel so bad ? 

Someone cleared their throat from behind  and she quickly turned around to find everyone looking at her expectedly . She roamed at their sad faces , her eyes brimming with unshed tears . It was painfully obvious that she would miss them because not only did they mean so much to her but these people were like family to her . She'd known them for many years now .

Things were not always a smooth ride at work but she appreciated every single day spent with her colleagues . Most of them were older than her and some reminded her of her late parents . The latter being another factor for going through with the resignation .

Tears involuntarily slipped from her eyes when they closed the distanced and hugged her . The moment felt surreal to her , like that would be the last time she was seeing them . The thought itself scared her the most .

" We're really going to miss you Peach. " chef Roger said .

He was a dark skinned man with small hazel eyes and was very tall and lanky . He had been the first person she was introduce to when she started working in the restaurant and they had been close ever since then . Every morning she would always tell him how handsome he looked only to get a flustered nod in return . She will definitely miss those mornings  .

" God I'm going to miss you guys too . " Peaches answered , her tears imitating waterfalls .

She pulled back but only to hug them once again . Never had she imagined that saying goodbye would be so heart wrenching . It was easier when she imagined herself quitting in her head but now reality was kicking in very hard . She hadn't weighed her options correctly and she was starting to regret every decision of it .

These people were her family when she lost hers in an accident . They were there to support her through every step of the way and now she was throwing that all away . She was seeping through the darkness as it led her to the unknown .

" You will go out there and be the best person you could be okay ? Don't feel bad for wanting a clear direction to your own your life . This is your new beginning and you have embrace it my child ." another chef said .

The chef had her wrinkled hands on Peaches soft cheeks . She was an old lady , probably older than the head chef herself . She was the mother of every staff , including Peaches . One thing that she would miss about chef Lora , was her wiseness .

" Thank you chef Lora ... I really needed to hear those words ." Peaches replied through hiccups .

The woman smiled warmly before instructing everyone to go back to work . The staff members obliged without question . Peaches took that as her turn to leave . She glanced around the room sadly , wiping her face with the back of her hand before leaving like a passing storm .

When she stepped outside the restaurant , the fresh breeze kissed her face like it would a lover . Peaches smiled brightly , flashing her straight pearly whites .

New beginnings , she thought before taking a final step away from a place she once called home .

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