Chapter 3 : Sweet talk

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" Tell me why you're curious about me , I'd love to know ."

Peaches was making coffee for the both of you them , her back turned on the man who'd invaded her space . She did not know what came over her when she invited him in nor why she was still entertaining him . It was oblivous what the man wanted and it hadn't been her . Maybe he was after her assets or inheritance but not little old Peaches .

There was in no way someone as handsome as him would want to be interested in a nobody like her . That would just be a downgrade and he was already working as a pizza delivery man . Other than her extraordinary cooking skills , Peaches was nothing special . She had nothing on her name so the big question was why the man showed up for the second time . Maybe he's just bored and looking for a fun time she thought .

" I'm fascinated by you ."

" That's so vague ...  what do you exactly mean by those words? "

Peter decided to take a seat , his grey eyes not leaving the lady's back view . He was shamelessly eyeing her curves and bents while licking his dry lips . His throat became suddenly dry as he stared at the work of art before him . He could almost envision her without all that concealment and it made him look away before the situation got out of control .

Peaches was oblivious that the man's eyes were on her body as it slowly took in all that she had to offer . She continued making the coffee in silence because she had nothing to say to him . She felt a weird energy radiating off of him and she wasn't certain if that was a good thing or not .

After she was done with the coffee , she turned around with two steaming cups before handing one to the flushed man . Peter's face resembled a ripe tomato and his eyes were matching his colored face . The lady pinched her brows together at the man's red face .

" What's wrong with your face , you look sick ?" Peaches worried .

" I'm fine , don't worry about me ."

Peaches looked at him with a bored expression before sipping her warm beverage . She leaned over her counter , not willing to sit next to someone who was avoiding eye contact .

" Thank you for the coffee and for inviting me in ." Peter gratified after a while of unbarable silence .

" You still haven't answered my question , I'm starting to think that you're dodging it ."

" I'd rather not answer it ."

Peaches looked at Peter incredulously with her mouth slightly agape from shock . She was looking at his passive face with suspicion like he was purposely trying to rile her up and it was working  . When Peter saw the look she was giving him , he scratched the back of his neck .

" I'm sorry ?" Peaches asked with a raised eyebrows and her head tilting to the side .

" I apologise if that came out the wrong way , what I mean is that I'm not ready to tell you everything just yet . I still want to know you better and maybe we could start by being friends ." Peter answered with a shrug .

" You wanna be my friend ?"

" Not really , I mean yeah-- shit ... gah , why is it so hard to talk to you ?!"

" Well you could start by telling me why you're in my place right now ."

" You invited me in ..."


" And I'm really glad you did and I can see why you lock yourself in this place , it's a beautiful house . I'd lock myself in if I didn't have to work my butt off . So how old are you Veronica ?"

" Call me Peaches ... no one called me that except my parents ."

" Peaches ? That's a lovely name , it really suits you better than Veronica . No offense to your real name though ." Peaches rolled her eyes when the man smiled broadly , flashing his white teeth .

" Uh , don't be weird ." she said dully .

" Okay but I'm gonna need you to answer my question ."

" I'm 25 ."

" No way , I'm turning 25 next week !"

" Please don't invite me ."

Peter laughed at the crude statement , his big hand clutching his stomach . Peaches just stood watching him like he was the only thing that mattered in that moment . She was hypnotised by the man's sharp face , his laugh and especially the perfect set of teeth . She'd kill to have those straight pearly whites .

It was unbelievable to think that she'd drawn a reaction like that from him . Her intensions weren't to be funny , she was just voicing out her thoughts . But it seemed like Peter found her comment amusing .

" I can't remember the last time I've laughed like that ..." Peter said quietly , after recovering from his laughing episode .

" Why do you say that ? " Peaches inquired .

" I haven't had the time for anything lately because I've been working really hard to make sure I put food on the table . Everyone is dependent on me and the little money I make . You see , I work 2 jobs a day so I miss out on a lot of things but it's worth it . Seeing my little brother's face at the end of my shifts is worth all the pain I guess . He's just a bundle of joy and I'd literally sacrifice anything for him ." 

" You have a little brother ? How old is he ?"

" He's 7 ."

Peaches smiled softly when Peter finally looked at her and she couldn't deny the compressing feeling in her heart . For the first time since quitting her job , Peaches had the sudden urge to cry again . It's not because she felt bad for the man but what he was willing to do for his little brother . It was truly remarkable how he giving his all into putting food on the table . It reminded Peaches that family mattered more than materialism .

Peter was looking at her with sad eyes and luckily the man hadn't been crying because she wouldn't be able to console him . She placed her cold mug on the counter before walking towards the man .

" I would love to meet your little brother . What's his name ? "

" His name is Denzel and he's a lovely kid . But he stays with his grandmother most of the time because I'm not around very much . I'm pretty sure he will love you when he meets you ."

" Good , do you want to stay in for lunch , I have some leftover Frittata if you'd like ."

" I'd love to stay for lunch , thank you very much ."

Peaches smiled softly before squeezing his rigid shoulders . He wasn't so bad after all she thought to herself . Her first impression of the man was that he was self centered but it turned out that he was completely the opposite .

" Great , you can make yourself comfortable."

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