Chapter 4 : Likes

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Peaches was in the middle of doing her laundry when something important clicked into her head . She widened her brown eyes before grabbing her phone to check for a tiny detail that she had missed  . It was hard keeping track of the time and date when all she ever did was eat , watch movies and eat again . That had basically become her everyday routine .

When she looked on her calendar and saw that it was Friday which meant her date with Sam Roger was tomorrow , the brunette gasped in a dramatic manner . She could not grasp the fact that days had passed in a blink of an eye . It seemed like it was only yesterday when she resigned from work and left without looking back . The world was playing tricks on her because now it seemed that the universe fast forwarded the time just for the two souls to collide and a scary thought made her widened her chocolate eyes .

" How am i going to get out of this situation ?"

She found herself pacing around the room with her thoughts hanging above her head . In all honesty , she was filled dread as she thought about what could possibly happen tomorrow and reality was often sickening so she refrained from getting her hopes up high . No matter how much assurance she received it didn't help that she was still insecure about the way sure looked . 

She was also nervous about seeing chef Roger again after having not seeing each other for a long period time . How would the atmosphere be like when they finally meet up again ? Peaches had no idea . All she knew was that she wasn't mentally prepared for the dinner date with the man she'd liked for as long as she could remember .

Thinking back chef Roger had been there for her , whenever she was struggling to find her way through . He'd make her coffee before their stressful shifts began and he'd be there in all those long hours of work , interaction with the staff and the coordination of the kitchen . That was always the highlight of her days , having to rely on the man the way she did . Peaches loved mornings because it consisted of her spending some quality time with him . That's why she loved coffee so much because it reminded her about the dark skinned man .

" Should I call him ? " Peaches wondered but shook her head .

She decided not to bother the man and left for the kitchen . She was suddenly feeling very anxious and if she took a bite from something , she'd be more calmer .

The house was very quiet unlike when her parents were still alive . It was undeniable that she sorely missed them . Her relationship with her parents had been splendid and she never thought she would lose them before becoming the woman she'd always envisioned . Life is just so unpredictable sometimes .

Peaches released a long breath before tying her shoulder-length brown hair into a high ponytail . There were few loose strands dancing around her face and she let them have their freedom . Being tied up was not the best feeling and she knew that very well .

The first thing she did when she arrived in the kitchen was grab an apple from the counter before taking a big bite and searched for her chocolate cookies in the cabinets . The only time she ate this much was when boredom was a prominent factor in her life and quite evidently , Peaches was bored .

Knock Knock Knock

" You have got to be kidding me." she whispered lowly , her eyes narrowing in the direction of the front door . She had a slight feeling on who might be on her doorstep but she didn't want to be forward . Maybe it was the police or someone who lost their way . It certainly couldn't be Peter , the man had left hours ago !

He was a consistent visitor and Peaches enjoyed his company very much but she was feeling some type of way about him . Something beautiful was blooming between them and even though it was too soon to put a label to it , it was taking shape . It was safe to say that they were closer than they were when he first appeared on her front door . The man practically vented out all the time about work and family matters . He trusted her but Peaches was not yet ready to share everything concerning her personal life . It's way too soon .

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