Chapter 7 : Bloom

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The next morning , with the sound of the busy streets deafening those near by , Peaches woke up feeling like an entirely different person . It was still in the cracks of dawn and her eyes were brighter than the sun as the earth rotated in sympathy . She had a soft smile as the orange hues penetrated through the window curtain , creating  soft illuminations of amber on her face , making her brown eyes brighter than they ever shown . It was like a new light was was taking over the abyss of darkness that had consumed the liveliness inside of her but she could not deny that something was making her feel strange about the circumstances she found herself swimming in the depths of .

Her emotions were leveled , a stark contrast of what she had been going through the previous night . There was something calm and relaxing about waking up and having already planned out on how the day would possibly go .

peaches was hoping that nothing would stand in her way of happiness and tranquil . Her brown  eyes were definitely swollen from the excessive amount of crying that had her biting on her pillowcase , all the twisting and turnings which resulted in black patches on her fair skin and the lack of sleep had her feeling like a living corpse . Peaches couldn't believe that she'd feel at ease after experiencing her first heartbreak , not only was she hoping to pursue a relationship with the man who ripped her self-esteem like she did not deserve it  but she had planned on taking care of his son since his job required immense working hours and she was always free . It was a pity that she could not forgive him .

In normal circumstances her phone would have been ringing and she'd be leaping for joy by just the thought of talking to Sam again , sadly things were different now and she wished to never have met him . He was no different from any other male species whom would not think twice in hurting other people . Luckily she had not heard from him since the last message he sent and thankfully enough , he hadn't even attempted to call her to check if she'd received the message or not . He was doing them both a favor by maintaining his distance .

Peaches breathed in through her nose before scanning around her room distractedly . She was still comfortably laying on her fluffy bed , her brown eyes in the far distance like she was searching for something to peek through the dull walls in a secret portal and pull her out from reality . She desperately needed a break through from everything  . the young lady was in deep thought not taking in the fact that there was a ruckus downstairs coming from the kitchen , there were all sorts of noises such as curses and shrieking kettles . She had blocked out every noise as her emotions whirled dangerously , reminding her of a turbulent tornado about to destroy everything  .

A soft " dammit " could be heard downstairs but Peaches was in her own little flamboyant world , not taking in everything happening around her . There were purple clouds whirling over her head as she tuned out every noise around her .

There was something or rather someone that made her feel a certain way and it had everything to do with the man sleeping in the room opposite from hers . She had no idea how she felt until that very fateful night which opened her eyes to something that was right in front of her all along . peaches was thinking of the way Peter looked into her eyes like she was the only think that mattered and that evoked something inside of her .

When she thinks back , she honestly had no idea what compelled her to let him stay over but at the same time , the brunette was glad to have let him in for many reasons than one . Some great company is exactly what she needed right now and Peter knew the exact words to make her feel validated . She had a great feeling about the thought of having Peter around and potentially as a partner .

" Oh shit ! " a male voice screamed .

Peaches blinked when a faint scream escalated into a full blown shriek , pulling her out of her unending stupor . The gruesome sound was followed by clanking of utensils and what she thought was a glass plate or maybe a cup ? She could've sworn a dolphin was dying in her house with how the scream penetrated through her skin . It all happened so fast that nothing became coherent in her head .

She swiftly threw the covers over her fleshy legs before sprinting to the source of the noise . The clutters in her room made it hard for her to pass the test smoothly , resulting in her face flat on her sticky yet messy floor . With a flushed face , Peaches cursed under her breath in frustration but stood up immediately after . She ran down the stairs to the lively kitchen and her jaw went slack at a shirtless Peter , who was soaking his hands in cold water .  Peaches was first to run to his side and looked down on the sink , catching a sight of his blood red fingers .

" What happened here , how did you burn your fingers to that extent . Jesus , why does my kitchen look like this ?"

" How about you start by saying good morning ." Peter sassed quietly .

" You just messed up my kitchen and expect me to be civilized ? Do you know how much I'm restraining from pouring this hot soup down your throat right now .. and who the hell makes soup in the mornings!?" she yelled as she made her way to switch off the scotching hot stove .

" Wow , you're really cold Peach , I wonder if you treat your friends like this too ."

"I don't understand why I have to be so nice to you... and besides I don't have any friends ."

When looking at the woman's face , Peter chuckled to himself . His hands were painfully hot even though they were submerged in cold water and he could literally feel the burn on his skin . He was amused by the expression made by his companion which reminded him of a fussy toddler . He continued to watch her as she examined his fingers closely until she could see a red tint on her cheeks . She was obviously flustered from being eyed so intently .

" What's so funny ?" she whispered .

" It's just your face , it's really cute when you become snarky with me , I wish I could capture every moment of it ."

" What did you just say ?"

" That you're really cute ."

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