Chapter 1 : Pizza guy

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It has been a few weeks since Peaches resigned from work and things were gradually getting better in terms of her mental health . The drastic change that was currently occuring in her new jobless life proved just how much she needed to recover before moving on with her life or pursing her lifetime goals . She first had to heal her own wounds before going out there with tattered skin , considering how many times she'd bottle things up until they bit her to peaces .

She was on her own now and being an only child had its perks , but she was starting to see the importance of family . Having no one to lean on in such a difficult time was the worst thing a person could endure , especially if she was used to having a loving father and mother . Now that they were gone it was up to herself to use all that love in the right ways .

Peaches groggily sat up from her bed with her morning hair standing in every direction , her eyes were hooded from sleeping more hours than necessary . The best thing about quitting her job was that she could wake up at any time during the day and no one would ring her phone to pester her about absenteeism or late coming . It was like she was the boss of her own skin which was music to her ears .

Peaches yawned tiredly before throwing her legs over the bed and sat there for a while as she scanned around her room miserably . The quietness of the house was the cause of her low spirit . In normal circumstances a very delicious smell would be dancing its way to her anticipative nostrils but now the air smelled like dead plants and smoke coming from outside  .

She released a long breath before standing up from her sitting position , not forgetting to stretch her stiff muscles in the process . As she made her way to the bathroom she grabbed a clean towel on the way , making a mental note to clean her messy room whenever she has the time .

After discarding her silky pyjamas , Peaches stepped inside the shower and tied her brown hair before putting on a shower cap . She looked at her fattish body and a deep frown grazed her face as she noticed change on her skin . Her stretch marks were expanding from her waist  to her thighs and she was gaining a few pounds as well . The visible cellulite on her fleshy thighs gave her the confirmation . Peaches touched the squishy flesh , her emotions getting the best of her as she further examined herself .

She took a quick shower and left her bathroom with a big towel wrapped around her body . While drying her brown shoulder length hair , Peaches walked straight to her dresser . She took out a red dress that hugged her curves to perfection because she wanted to feel beautiful again . The tight dress would definitely boost her self esteem again .

" What's the point ?" she whispered rhetorically .

The question was aimed at no one in particular because according to her , it seemed pointless to dress up when she locked herself in her room the entire day . Leaving the house wasn't an option for Peaches anymore . The only time she left the house was to do some grocery shopping or taking out the trash . Other than that she was always cooped up in the small house .

Ring Ring Ring

Peaches rushed to her nightstand before taking her phone in her plumpy hand . She read the name of the person who was calling and her brows immediately knitted together in confusion . Why is he calling she wondered before pressing the green button .

" Chef Roger ?" were her first words .

" Hey Peach , how have you been ? " the man said with his raspy tone .

" I've been better ..." Peaches answered thoughtfully before adding ."How are things going with the restaurant ? Is everyone doing okay ?"

" Yes everyone is doing okay but it's just not the same without you , chef Flay was right about one thing . We hardly get any customers anymore and we're losing rates because no one cooks as amazing as you do Peach ."

" Jesus , is it that bad ?" 

" Uh huh , chef Lora decided to quit as well ... and many of the staff members are on the verge of leaving with her . They won't stay because the head chef is becoming intolerable by the day ."

"And chef Flay ? How is she handling all of this ?"

" She isn't handling it very well so we're basically cooking in fear . No one knows when she'll blow up in our faces . She's literally a ticking bomb you know ."

" That's just crazy ." Peaches said distractedly ." How are you holding up though ? Is everything okay with Nina ?"

" Things are complicated , we're just co-parenting for the sake of our son otherwise I don't wanna be in a situation where I feel like I'm forcing things , you get me ? "

" Not really but I can imagine ."

" Alright I have to go , talk to you later ?"

" Okay bye ."

Peaches hung up and looked at her phone a minute longer than necessary . She couldn't believe that chef Roger had called her after she had left her job unceremoniously . The man should be avoiding any human contact with Peaches because their friendship died the minute she decided to leave . She smiled softly when she remembered how amazing their time together had been .

She placed her phone down and made her way downstairs . Her stomach was grumbling from skipping meals every night , just so she could lose some weight . The pressure of trying to be slender like most women was starting to take a toll on her . Her body was naturally plumpy but that wasn't good enough for her , she wanted to be perfect then maybe someone would take notice to her .

The brunette entered her small kitchen and went straight to the fridge before scanning around until she grabbed all the ingredients needed to make herself an easy Omelette with a Nicoise salad on the side . When she was about to boil some butter for the omelette  , a knock echoed in the house . Peaches stopped what she had been doing and quickly headed for the door . The knock resonated for the second time , making her squint her eyes at whoever was disturbing her peaceful eating time .

She opened the door and looked at the man who was standing in front of her while carrying a pizza box in hand . He was slightly tall with raven black hair and grey eyes which were locked on her brown orbs . The man's face was very handsome and boyish at the same time and Peaches wondered if she was looking at a boy or a man  . His high cheekbones was glistening with sweat , his sharp eyes wavering slightly as they stared each other from head to toe .

The raven man cleared his throat ,  managing in snapping her out of whatever trance she'd found herself into . Peaches let her eye roam the man's body one more time before nodding approvingly . Damn , he's fine she thought .

" Robin Solomon ?" the man said while scratching the back of his neck . His voice was of uncertainty as he looked at Peaches apologetically .

" Do I look like a Robin to you ?"

" You're not ?"

" No ..."

" Shit I got the wrong address again . I'm really sorry , I don't know what I'm doing . Uh , where should-- ."

" He lives on the opposite side ."

" Oh uh , thank you ..."

Peaches nodded her head and waited for the pizza guy to leave . She crossed her arms over her bosom when the man stood frozen on her doorstep . He was looking at Peaches intensely and she had swallow down thickly , her face heating up from the man's sharp eyes . This is not cool .

" Is there anything else ?" she said instead .

" No , I'm really sorry I don't usually do this but uh ... can you give me your number ?"

She looked at the man with wide unbelieving eyes . Her main focus on his captivating orbs as the man looked at her expectedly . Peaches scanned her lawn for any cameras because she couldn't believe her own ears . When she didn't see anything suspicious , she turned back to the man and smiled stiffly .

" No." she said and closed her door leaving the man with shocked eyes .

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