Chapter 2 : Unexpected visit

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" Who's calling at this damn hour ?!" Peaches screamed at the top of her lungs .

She frustratedly threw her covers over her plumpy body before kicking them away from her legs . As she tiredly sat up from her laying position , Peaches reached out and grabbed her phone from the nightstand . Her hair was standing in every direction as she tiredly flipped it over her shoulder so that she could place her phone on her ear .

She was pissed that someone had woken her up from her beauty sleep . God knew how much she needed to rest her tired limbs from all the work she'd done yesterday  . She had been cleaning the entire house , including her parent's room . She slept very late and now that she was finally deep in her slumber , someone had to wake her up .

" This better be good ." She whispered .

She looked at the caller ID and immediately all her frustrations melted away with the long breath she exhaled . Her chocolate eyes were  staring at the screen with sparkles as she hit the green button with shaky fingers . Without waiting for the other person to speak , Peaches opened her mouth and spoke calmly .

" You've been calling me quite a lot lately ..."

" What can I say , I really miss your lovely voice Peach ." the raspy tone said and she had to bite her lips making weird noises .

It was indeed the best sound she'd ever heard and to add the cherry on top , it belonged to the most handsome man she knew . The chef definitely knew how to give life to her existing butterflies . She was feeling them in the pits of her stomach as they flapped around happily .

Peaches loved it when the man called her name with his raspy tone because it made her feel a certain way . No one said her name like he did . He was the only person who called her Peach with that voice . She had always been aware of her attraction towards her fellow colleague from the very first day she'd laid eyes on his handsome face . And truth be told , the man was making it hard for her by calling her all the time .

If he continued to shower her with so much attention then she would definitely fall even harder , which she was afraid to do . Peaches didn't want to fall in love , that sounded bizarre and painful . She wanted to fly in love , which didn't make sense no matter how many times she tried to convince herself . So she came to the conclusion that love itself didn't make sense .

" Peach , are you still there ?" the raspy voice echoed again , snapping her from her turmoil .

" Oh sorry , I was just thinking about some things I have to do for the day ... What were you saying ?"

" I was wondering if you had anything planned for this weekend , maybe we could grab dinner together ? I'd really love to see you ."

" Uh-- sure , we can go grab dinner then ." Peaches laughed at her own shaky voice , her hands scratching her abdominal area out of nervousness .

" Great , I can't wait to see you . It's been a really long time hey , I bet you don't remember my face ."

" You have a great face , I love your face ! ... Oh uh sorry but I have to go , there's someone by the door and uh ... I lo-- bye !"

Peaches dropped her phone on the bed before smacking her hand over her mouth . Her face was beet red as she regained her breathing . She could feel her poor heart beating rapidly and she placed her free hand on her bosom .

She didn't know what came over her when she almost blurted out that she loved the man . If she was immune to pain then she'd definitely be hitting herself on the head . Who the hell does that ? Of course she did not love him just yet .

She got up from the bed and headed to her small bathroom . She did her morning routine , not forgetting to tie her brown hair in a high ponytail . She wore her blue jeans and a blue hoody before making her way downstairs . She needed her morning coffee to wake her up properly . Before Peaches could enter her kitchen the doorbell rang .

" What is it now ?!"

The irritated brunette walked towards her door with calculative steps . She was mildly hoping that chef Roger would be the one on her doorstep but the man didn't know her address yet so she put her hopes aside . Whoever was knocking on her door was probably lost and confused .  I don't remember inviting anyone .

She opened her door and her face fell when she looked at the man from last week . It was the same Pizza guy that was on her doorstep but this time his hands were empty . He was wearing casual clothes instead of his uniform and Peaches had to admit he looked way better than last time . He was wearing a white tank top , black jeans and a black cap . She looked up at his smiling face ,  noticing his perfectly straight white teeth .

" Veronica Edwards ?" the man asked .

" How do you know my name ?"

" I asked around , you're practically famous around here ... "

" You're stalking me ?"

" I wouldn't call it stalking . I mean you refused to give me your number the last time we met and I was curious about you . I wanted to know more about you so I asked around ."

" Couldn't you take the hint that I didn't want anything to do with you from our last encounter ?"

" Nope ."

" What's your name sir ?"

" Peter Crouse "

" Well Peter , would you like to come in before you get sunburned ?"

" Yes please ."

Peaches nodded her head before stepping aside to let the man in . Peter stared at her emotionless face and stepped inside the small house while his eyes darted around aimlessly . He gave the lady a sweet smile when she motioned for him to follow her and he did without question . She led him to her kitchen as she grabbed two mugs from the cupboard before turning her attention back to him .

" Would you like some coffee sir ?"

" Yes please ."

" Tell me why you're curious about me . I'd really love to know ." she said before crossing her arms over her chest .

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