Do i know you?

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*beep beep beep beep*

my alarm went off at 8:15 am. time to get ready for work. then i have to pick up henry after my sheriff duties if i'm not working on a case. I stop by granny's to get me some breakfast, then I here a voice from behind me "swan, there you are love I have been looking for you. I'm so glad your okay last thing I remember is seeing purple smoke and I thought it was a curse bu-" I interrupted " do I know you, and purple smoke a curse do you know what you sound like?" "You don't remember me, well perhaps I can make you." He leaned in for a kiss but before he got the chance I punched him in the face. The man said, " no matter who you think you are Swan I will get you back, I will always get you back." I just walked out of granny's but as I was walking all I kept hearing in my head was " no matter who you think you are Swan I will get you back, I will always get you back." For some odd reason that sounded so familiar. I arrive at work and see Henry at my desk. " woah hey kid what are you doing here don't you have school, and where's Regina she's gonna kill me, then you, then me again." I said to Henry. Henry said "duh I'm ten walk me, and I stood up to her last night I made it very clear to her that your my mom to she wasn't happy but I made her see past it." "Woah kid what the hell" I said as I saw that guy from granny's. " mom look it's your true love Captain Hook and" I interrupted with a stern tone, " kid we are not going go down this road again I was in the mental asylum for weeks and I'm finally able to be your mom again there is no such thing as Captain Hook, Snow White, or Prince Charming."
" but they are you just need to believe you are not a orphan you have parents who love you." Henry stated. "Sure I do kid, now come on let's get you to school." I said. I dropped Henry off at school and headed to work. I saw the same man from granny's. "You are a stalker!" I yelled. "Calm down love, I just needed to see you." He said with a lovely tone. "But I don't even know you, hell I don't even know who I am." I said kinda freaking out. " aye but I know you better than you k ow yourself you just can't remember." Killian said with now a panicked tone. "Oh god you have been talking to Henry."
"No I haven't your just so stubborn you can't see past that's right in front of you." He said aggravated towards me. "Why do you even care that I believe in this fairytale?" I said. " because swan it's real and you belong with me." He said. " I can't do this right now I have to work get out i don't even know you." I said overwhelmed. He started "swan I ~" "get out!" I yelled. The man walks out. I let out a sigh and sit down and start going through papers.
5 hours later:
I finsh reading a case and take a quick glance at the clock, and it's 3 o'clock. A few minutes later I get a call from Henry's school. " hi is this Henry's mother?" The front desk lady asks. "Yes this is Emma swan is everything okay?" I ask. "I wish there was a better way to say this but Henry passed out from coughing, he is on his way to the hospital if you need to meet him there." The lady said urgently. " yes of course I'm in my way can you also call Regina mills? " I said panicked. " yes mam I will contact her right now." She said. I hung up the phone and gathered all my things and rush out. David asked " Emma is everything okay?" " no it's not it's Henry" I said almost in tears. "I'll drive emma." David said. I get in the truck with David and heading to the hospital. I get a text from Regina " thank you for having them call me I will meet you there ASAP!" She said, but I was to shaken up to respond. We arrive at the hospital i storm in and immediately run to Henry. Doctor whale said " he is awake now he was choking in a apple turn over he will be fine I just want to keep him overnight just to be sure." I had a smile of relief on my face until I hear " where the hell is my son" coming from the mayor herself. "Emma! House my son?" She asked. "Our son is fine he is in recovery." I said
"oh thank god." She said. We both go into see him. "Hey moms." He said weakly. "Hey kid" "how are you feeling" me and Regina said in sync.
"I'm okay just tired." He said. "Okay we will let you rest we will be back later don't get up" Regina said. We both leave the room.
"Miss Swan i think we should get back to work." She said. Okay now that I know he's fine we should be good." I said. I get back in the car with David and he said " need a drink?" "Sure I could use one." I said exhausted. "Okay great Mary Margaret will meet us there." He said, " oh okay sounds great. I said happy to see my best friend.
We get to granny's and I sit down and order some champagne. I hear a familiar voice behind me " you know love, they say If you drink champagne you will get champagne problems." The man said. "As much as you know me I never got your name."I said kind of drunk. " killian Jones, and you my love are Emma Swan jones." He said. " Oh god here we go again, granny can I get two more glasses of champagne." I said not prepared for what comes next.

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