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"Swan how about this you let me take you out on a date, and I'll explain everything." Killian said with one eye brow up. I sigh " why not, don't make me regret this." I say.  "I won't love, pick you up at 9?" Killian asked. " sounds great." I said. " bloody fantastic see you tonight." He said while leaving with a wink. Mary Margaret and David walked in, " oh so who is that..?" Mary Margaret asked. "No one" I said.  "It didn't look like no one." David said. " he just someone I'm going on a date with." I said fast so maybe they wouldn't say anything. "OH MY GOD EMMA YOU HAVE TO LET ME HELP YOU GET READY." Mary Margaret yelled. "Woah calm down I'm going on a date not getting married." I said. " I know I just want to help." She said with pout. " fine you can help but we should go it's six o'clock and he will be there at nine." I said. " why are you guys leaving so early you have 3 hours." David said. " you may not need three hours but look at Emma she needs it." Mary Margaret says. " HEY!" I said. We left granny's and headed back to my place. I try on a few dresses, but there was one I liked it was dark blue with lace and flowers on it. I walked downstairs to show Mary Margaret, and she said " yeah... no, you are not wearing that. Try this." She holds up a pink dress and says " the pink with being out your eyes and hair."  "Okay let's give it a shot." I said as I grab the dress and head upstairs. I come on down stairs with the dress on and Mary Margaret's jaw drops " wow emma it's - it's like you were enchanted to wear that dress." She's says.
I felt very special and like a Princess. But when I put this dress I felt something more like saw something, it was like memories but they never happend but it was a whole bunch of me and killian, maybe I do love this man and just been pushing it aside.
3 hours later:
*knock *knock *knock
" he's hereeeeee" Mary Margaret singed. Killian comes in the apartment and waits for me. I put on some lavender perfume and headed down stairs. Killian gives me a hungry stare and says " you look stunning swan." I say " you look -" and he says "I know, shall we love." He says while giving me a ride and offering a rose.  Killian takes me to a fancy restaurant and pulls out a chair for me. We start talking for a while until someone calls him. " I'll be right back love I have to take this it's my brother." He says getting up. "Oh okay." I said.
Killians pov:
I walk to the other side of the restaurant and answer the call.
Hey does she remember

Killian: no not yet but I'm trying old things to try and jog her memory.

Well can you hurry it up

Killian: Regina I'm trying it's hard when me you and henry are the only ones awake.

Regina: yes but  she still sees me and mayor mills so I have to play that role you are the only one who can wake her up so she can break this curse.

Killian: okay I got to go Emma's waiting on me I don't want her to think I bailed.

Regina: okay have fun with that bye.
Regina hangs up
Emmas pov:
Killian comes back, "well love u hope you  didn't miss me to much." He says with a smirk. "Maybe I did maybe I didn't" I said with a smirk also. We dance to a song for a hour to one of my favorite songs.

After we dance, we order food and talk for awhile, he eventually got the check and we headed out. It was cold outside so killian gave me his jacket and put his arm around me and walked me home. We get to the door, and he kisses me. I take off his jacket and handed it to him and he puts it right back on me and said "keep it it's yours." That made my heart drop I don't think I have been in a relationship where he's nice, or am i even in a relationship , ugh i don't know this whole thing is scary. "Awe but you'll get it back next time." I say with a smirk. Killians smiles and says " next time? I don't remember asking." "That's because I want to go out with you again, will you go out with me again?" I asked he smiles and says " of course I will go out with you again love." And he kisses me again which caught me off guard. "Goodnight love" he says. "Goodnight" I say playing it cool. I walk in the house and smile. Then I hear Mary Margaret ask " so how was it?" Which kinda scared the crap out of me but I said, it went really well actually and we are going on another one soon."  " for someone who never seemed to believe in love you certainly have it now." She smiles "yeah I supposed i do" I say and head to bed.
Killians pov:
I'm getting ready for bed when I hear my phone ding
Emma: tomorrow 8pm docks don't be late 😉
Killian: I would'nt dream of it 😉
Emma: good 😂
Killian: good night love, love you 😉❤️

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