Chapter 1

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It was a rainy day in the city of New York City and my roommate, Kambrie and I were sat on the couch watching Rom Coms, eating all the food we had in the house

"Should we do something else today besides sit on the couch and eat all day?" Kambrie mumbles too comfortable with her spot on the couch to look up at me

"Eh, I don't feel like doing anything productive today." I replied also with a mumble

"What if we made cookies?" Kambrie suggested. I shrugged

"Do we even have the ingredients to make cookies?" I asked

"Probably not. Come on, this is the perfect excuse to go shopping. Let's go" Kambrie said while practically dragging my limp body off of my comfortable spot on the couch, knocking over the bowl of popcorn while doing so

"Kambrie! You spilled! I'm not cleaning that up" I scolded while still laying on the floor

"I'll clean it up, chill out. But we're going shopping wether you get in the car willingly or I have to force you in myself. So what's it gonna be?" She was now the one scolding me like i was her child

"Okay, okay fine i'll go with you"I stood up from the floor and went to my room to get changed

I moved to New York City for college so I could go to New York University. I used to live in LA and it was hard to move away from my loved ones

Kambrie and I have been best friends since we were little. We always talked about moving in together and living out dream lives. So far we've got the living together part but that's pretty much it. My parents have always been the power couple always happy and that's how people knew them. I have an older brother named Ethan but no one would ever guess we would be siblings since we look nothing alike. Ethan and I were always close too. We were and still are the prefect family

Kambrie lived her life a little different. Her parents went through a divorce when we were in middle school. It was hard for us both because we always wanted to be together but her dad lived far away so the only time we were together was when she was at her moms

But we balanced each other out so we have always been best friends

I finished getting changed and I walked outside to where Kambrie was waiting in the car for me
and got in the passenger seat.

"Ready?" Kambrie asked me looking over to see if I had buckled my seatbelt in

"Ready" I said looking back at her



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