Chapter 7

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I got woken up the next morning by a loud banging on my door. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly who it was and got out of bed to see what they wanted.

I walk slowly over to my door with laziness in every step. I open my door and there they are as I expected.

Marley and Kambrie

"Finally you're awake we've been waiting forever." Marley said as she slumps against the wall acting like she was out of breath. 

I roll my eyes at her dramatics

"What was so important that you felt it was absolutely necessary to bang on my door and wake me up?" I put my hands on my hips like a scolding mother.

Kambrie and Marley look at each other and start smiling. "What. What's going on, don't look at each other like that it's scaring me." I point between the two of them. 

They both look back at me and start squealing. I flinch at the sudden loud noise and walk back into my room but, as I was getting ready to shut the door Kambrie threw her hand on it and pushed it back so that it wouldn't close.

"Uh uh. Nope, you can't leave yet." Kambrie tells me as she shakes her head. I sigh. "Okay then tell me what you want so I can go back to bed." 

"WE WANT TO KNOW HOW YOUR DATE WENT!" Marley yelled from behind her. I giggled at her sudden outburst and stepped out of my room to sit on the couch.

The two followed behind me like little puppies

"Okay Y/N, we need every little detail. Where'd he take you, how'd he act, what'd he do. Everything. Don't leave anything out." Kambrie said while sitting on my right side and Marley on my left.

"Okay well, first he took me to the beach for a picnic. He got my favorite soda and had a whole spread of food and stuff. We just talked and talked and talked until it got dark. And when we were done eating, we got back in the car and he took the to the woods which I thought was a little weird at first but he ended up taking me to this treehouse which had fairy lights hung from the walls and flowers and he had a fort set up. We watched tangled and he did this horrible impression of Flynn Ryder. But then he took me home and yeah that's what happened." I explained.

I look over to Marley and Kambrie and they both had smirks on their face. 

"So, it looks like he took our advice." Marley said while reaching over me to high five Kambrie.

"Yes he did say he got advice from people and I knew that no one else knew how much I love Tangled." I shrug

"Okay but like can we talk about how he took you on a picnic at the beach. If anyone did that for me i'd probably marry them on the spot." Marley says. 

"Marley, you'd marry anyone if they have the same favorite song as you." Kambrie says from behind me. I giggle knowing it's true. 

"Hey woah woah okay. Music taste is a make or break thing." She puts her hands up in defense 

"Okay but Y/N, i'm actually so happy for you. Usually you're the one staying home while Marley and I are out but, we can go on a triple date now. Yay this is so exciting!" Kambrie says while throwing her arms around in excitment.

"Okay guys, I think that we should eat breakfast and go Christmas shopping later." I announce.

Marley, Kambrie and I are the biggest Christmas lovers you'll probably ever meet. We go all out every year. We host a giant Christmas party with everyone we know and we decorate every square inch of the house.

We also have this little trick that we do every Christmas. We have a doorway that we always put mistletoe in so whenever we see a cute guy we'll ask them to come to this doorway and so they have no choice but to kiss us. 

We've been doing that every Christmas since we moved in. 

We all got up off of the couch to go find some breakfast. We scavenged through the kitchen to find some food. Even though Marley didn't live with us she was with us almost every day so she knew where everything was.

We all had some cereal and agreed to go Christmas shopping. Kambrie and I went to our rooms to get ready and Marley went across to her apartment.

I rummaged through my closet to try and find something to wear. I eventually settled on a plaid sweater, some grey sweatpants and a white undershirt. I did some light natural makeup but nothing too fancy because we weren't planning on being out all day. I put my hair up in a claw clip and slipped on my white air forces

(If you don't like it you can change it.)

I met Marley and Kambrie in the living room and we all made our way to the stores.


A/N- I posted another chapter less than a month later 😱

I hope you liked it because I just made it up on the spot

Its gonna start getting Christmassy soon

I'm gonna try and do all of the Christmas parts before the Christmas season is over

I'm gonna do it #trust

Also should I just switch to all lowercase lettering?

Okay that's it bye bye 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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