Chapter 2

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Kambrie and I arrived at the grocery store after a long car ride of listening to 80's and 90's music

"Okay, we're only here for a few things. We get the things we need and we leave. Okay?" Kambrie said to remind me so that I don't get off track and buy things we didn't come for

"Hey, I should have to be telling you that too" I said back to her. I wasn't the only one in this friendship who gets off track when shopping

As we we're going down the baking aisle, I saw someone who looked oddly familiar. Someone I have seen before

"Why are you staring at that guy?" Kambrie asked me. I guess she saw me staring

"I don't know? He looks really familiar" I squint to see if that'd make me see him better

The guy was tall about 6 foot, he had curly brown hair and a mustache

I must've been looking for a little too long because the guy I had been staring at, looked back at me

We made eye contact for a split second before I got nervous and looked away

"Dude, he just looked back at me" I told Kambrie trying not to make it look obvious we were talking about him

"Oh my gosh, he wants to marry you Y/N" Kambrie said in a sarcastic tone while rolling her eyes

"Hey, shut up he probably does" I replied while looking back at the beautiful man but he wasn't there anymore

Kambrie and I finished getting what we needed and decided to check out

While we were scanning our items I look over to the register next to the one that we were using and it was the guy that I had been drooling over earlier

"Y/N, it's your boyfriend" Kambrie looks over at me with a smirk while she finishes scanning the items

"SHHHHHH!!!! He's right there, he's gonna hear you" I said shushing Kambrie by putting my hand over her mouth

Little did I know the gorgeous man did in fact hear her

We were on our way out of the store and I hear a masculine voice from behind me call out "Hey!"

Both Kambrie and I turned around to see who was talking to us

I was shocked when I turned around and saw that it was the gorgeous man that had called out

I was flustered and didn't know what to say

"Hey?" Kambrie spoke up for me "Did you need something?"

"Um, yes actually" The guy spoke up. His voice was as of an angel. It was a sound I could listen to all day "I saw you in the baking aisle and I couldn't take my eyes off of you" he said looking in my eyes while I blushed

"I think you're so pretty and, i'm sorry for being so straight forward but, can I get your number? I'd really like to take you out to dinner sometime if you're interested" The guy looked nervous, but it was kind of cute

I was stunned. It's not usually me who gets asked out, it's Kambrie. She was always the one that guys hit on and I know that because we're together literally all the time

"Um, yeah sure" I smiled and we exchanged numbers

"Thank you. I'll definitely text you. Oh! By the way, i'm Benson, Benson Boone" He says while he sticks his hand out in front of me to give me a handshake

Where have I heard that name before?

I smile back at him and grab his hand to shake it "I'm Y/N" He smiles

"Y/N, that's a beautiful name" I blushed at his compliment "Thank you" I was smiling uncontrollably

"Anyways, i'll let you guys go, nice to meet you and i'll see you later, yeah?" He says while looking at me asking if he'll see me later

"For sure" I smile "Okay great. Have a nice day" He looks at both Kambrie and I and starts walking away

Once he's far a enough distance from Kambrie and I, I let out the biggest squeal ever and latched onto Kambries arm while doing a little happy dance

"Dude, I swear i'm gonna marry that man" I tell Kambrie while staring at his contact in my phone

"Okay okay. You're delusional. But I love you. Now help me put all of these groceries in the trunk" Kambrie says. I then realize that she's been carrying all of the bags without a shopping cart and rush to help her

Once we were done putting the bags in the car we drove back home to make the cookies while I thought about Benson



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