Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day with only Benson on my mind, wondering what he was going to do for our date?

I got dressed for the day in some jeans and a white cropped tank top. I didn't have the energy to do my hair so I just put it in a claw clip

After I finished doing my hair, I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and unplugged it. I saw I had one new message from Benson, so I opened it

Good morning Gorgeous,
Hope you slept well

Good morning! I did sleep well thanks for

I'm excited for our date later!
I hope you like it!

Me too! And i'm sure whatever you put together,
i'll love it ;)

I hope so. Anyway, i've gotta go
set up our date but, i'll see you later

Can't wait! See you soon!

I finished typing up my last word, turned my phone off and put it in my pocket while I headed into the kitchen to see what Kambrie was making for breakfast

I walked over to the kitchen island and sat on one of the chairs

"Good morning Kambrie. How'd you sleep?" I asked Kambrie who was flipping pancakes over at the stove

"Good morning. I slept well." She replies with a smile "Are you ready for your date tonight?"

I smile just at the thought of going on a date with Benson "Okay, that smile tells me that you're  definitely ready for the date" She says and points the spatula at me

I smiled and took a bite of the pancake that Kambrie had put in front of me

I was startled when the front door swung open and a gust of cold air engulfed the whole apartment. I looked over to see who had opened the door and I wasn't surprised when I saw Marley walking in our apartment, still in her pajamas

"Ooh, pancakes. Don't mind if I do" Marley says as she grabs a pancake from the stack on a plate and comes over to sit next to me

"Good morning, Marley" Kambrie says while not even looking back and staying focused on the pancakes

"Good morning" Marley says to Kambrie then turns to face me "Y/N, are you ready for your date today?" She takes a bite out her pancake

"Yes, i'm so ready. Except for i'm not sure how I should dress because he never told me what we were doing or where we were going" I reply back to Marley

"Well, I would go all out. You want to impress him." Marley tells me with a smirk

"Marley, we know YOU would go all out but, that doesn't mean that we should in this situation" Kambrie tells Marley while cleaning off her hands and cleaning up the spilled pancake batter from the counter. "Just wear a casual dress. That's something you can't go wrong with"

"Yeah, or you could do that too, that's fine" Marley says as she finishes eating her pancake

"Okay, i'll do that" I say and we all head over to the living room and sit at our unofficial assigned spots while we watch TopGun for probably about the 100th time now

I check the time and it reads 5:00

I jump up from the couch and run to my room. I could hear Kambrie and Marley yelling at me and asking what was wrong from the living room

"I have to be ready in an hour!" I yell back back while rummaging through my closet trying to find the perfect "casual dress"

After looking for about 10 minutes, I finally found one that would work

I curled my hair in beach waves and applied some natural makeup

I finished getting ready with only 5 minutes to spare

I was fixing my hair in the mirror when I heard the front door open and Marley start talking in her high pitched voice that she always does when she gets excited. But, then I heard a manly voice speak. Then I put two and two together and realized that Benson was here

I finished fixing my hair and put some perfume on, then my shoes and headed for the door

I finished fixing my hair and put some perfume on, then my shoes and headed for the door

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(This is your dress. If you don't like it you can change it)

I opened my door and turned the corner to see Kambrie interrogating Benson. Marley wasn't saying anything but she have her hands on her hips trying to look tough but Benson was focused on Kambrie and looked a little scared

"Listen, if you hurt Y/N, i'll hurt you. Understand?" Kambrie says while pointing her finger in Bensons face"

"Yes ma'am" Benson says in reply. His nervous look vanishes when he sees me poking my head out of the corner of the room smiling at their interaction

"I hope they aren't scaring you away" I fully come out of the corner and walk over to them

"No they're not." Benson laughs. "You look amazing, Y/N" He says while pulling out a bouquet of flowers and handing them to me. "These are for you" He says and hands them to me

I take them from him, making sure to brush my fingers against his lightly "Thank you" I smile at him

"Well, we should get going" Benson says while finally tearing his eyes off of me and checking his watch

"Okay. Bye girls" I say to Kambrie and Marley. Kambrie pulls me off to the side for a second "If you need help of feel unsafe just text me and i'll come get you" She whispers to make sure no one heard us

I laugh "Thanks but, I don't know if i'll need help. Benson seems trustworthy" I shrug

"I know but, if it doesn't work out, i'll help you out if it" She says. I thank her and hug her and we go back to Benson and Marley

"Okay, let's go" I tell Benson after putting the flowers he gave me on the counter

He nods and opens the door for me. We make it down the stairs and we both get into his car.

The whole time he's driving all i'm thinking is "I wonder where he's gonna take me"



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