Chapter 4

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Marley and Kambrie were hovering over me as I opened the text from Benson

Hey Gorgeous ;)

I just about fainted

I looked over to Kambrie and Marley to make sure they saw the text too and I wasn't just dreaming. They both looked at the text with their jaws dropped and wide eyes. Okay, so they did see it

"Y/N, how are you gonna reply?" Kambrie asks me with her voice full of worry

How was I gonna reply? What do I say to that?

"I'll just say hey, you can't go wrong with hey" I say while replying back to him

MeHey! What's up?


Nothing much, I just wanted tomake sure you didn't give me thewrong number 😂

Oh, well you have the right number.
Is that all you needed?

Um, no actually. I just wanted to
see if you maybe wanted to go on a
date with me. If you don't want to, I
totally understand

No! That sounds like fun!  I'd love
to go on a date with you!

Okay great! I'll pick you up at
6:00 tomorrow night and I promise
you won't regret it

Okay 😂
Can't wait! See you tomorrow!

You too, Gorgeous ;)

After he sent his last text I realized that the girls and I were no longer in the kitchen but, we had all somehow migrated to the couch in the living room

I turn off my phone and look at Kambrie and Marley sitting on both sides of me. They both looked more excited than I was

"AHHHHH!!! Y/N, HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE!" Marley screamed into my ear before she got up and jumped around the living room. Then, Kambrie got up and started jumping with her

"Okay, we both better be your bridesmaids at yours and Bensons wedding." Marley said to me while still continuing to jump around the room

"Yeah if we're not, i'm gonna sue you" Kambrie chimes in. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she actually sued me

"Why are you guys already planning my wedding? I don't even know if this'll work out with Benson. I mean, I sure hope it does but you never know?" I say with slight disappointment in my voice. I do really want this to work out. I've never really been that into dating, and when I have gone on dates, they didn't exactly end well

Kambrie and Marley stopped jumping and came and sat down next to me. " I don't know? I just have this feeling that Benson is different? Just give him a chance and don't judge him before you go on the date." Kambrie says to me while patting my back

"Thanks you guys. And you know, I actually am really excited for our date. I'm just wondering what he's gonna put together?" I get excited at just the thought of what he might have prepared for our date tomorrow night. Whatever it is, I know i'll love it



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