Chapter 6

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A/N- In honor of Benson's new song that came out yesterday, I had to write another chapter. I've also been asked by multiple people to write another chapter so here you go! GO LISTEN TO TO LOVE SOMEONE (I've probably listened to it 30 times today already)

1560 Words

After driving for about 15 minutes, we finally arrived at our date spot. I take a look around and realized we were at the beach

Benson parked the car and turned off the engine. As I was about to open my car door, he grabbed my wrist softly. I turned to look back at him

"What?" I asked with a laugh "Can I not get out?"

"No, you can't. Not by yourself. Stay there." Benson says as he opens his car door and makes his way over to my side. He opens my door and does a little bow "Milday"

I let out a little giggle and got out of the car "Thank you" I say while bowing back. He gives me his arm and I gladly take it

It was the perfect day. The sun was just setting, the sky was a soft pink and the waves were crashing against the shore. I looked around and noticed that Benson and I were the only ones on the beach

We start waking further along the beach until we get to a picnic blanket that was laid out on the sand. There was a picnic basket placed on top of the blanket along with some soda cans

I turn to look at Benson and see that he was already looking at me. Just looking at him made my stomach erupt in butterflies. What was this man doing to me?

"Do you like it?" He asks me with a hopeful expression, waiting for my answer

I smile at him "Benson, I love it. When did you do this?" I questioned. I would have never had the time to put this together

He smiles back at me before replying. "Let's just say I have a lot of free time"

Benson sat down on the blanket and extended his hand out for me to take then, I sat down with him

He opened the soda cans and emptied the contents in a glass cup. He then handed it to me while he opened one for himself

Benson opened the picnic basket and pulled out two turkey sandwiches along with a bowl of assorted fruits and bread

My stomach immediately started rumbling at the sight of the food. He must've heard it because he turned to me and let out a quiet chuckle

"I hope this is good enough, I just don't know exactly what you like" Benson says while fiddling with the plaid blanket under us

I could tell he was a little nervous so I laid my hand on top of his to reassure him

"Benson, this is literally so perfect. You couldn't have done anything better." I smiled

He smiled back at me and turned his hand over so that our palms were lying in top of each others and he laced his fingers in mine

I blushed and looked away so he wouldn't notice


We finished our picnic, packed everything up and headed towards Bensons car

"Oh, before I take you home I have something I want to show you" He says as we arrive to his car

"Okay" I say, waiting for him to unlock the car

He puts the stuff in the truck and heads over to me. He opens the car door for me and shuts the door when i'm fully inside

He makes his way over to the drivers seat and buckles his seat belt. He backs out of the parking lot and heads down a secluded road.

The road was lined with trees and didn't have any street lamps to light the path

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