Chapter 10: Drown

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The Wheeler house was being ransacked top to bottom by what you would guess to be the enemy. Hopper analyzed the scene through his binoculars, throwing away any of Nancy's concerns as the workers continued to infiltrate her house. Despite the worry you felt for the kids who had probably been dealing with this far longer than you knew, there was also a sense of relief knowing that your mother was free from all of this pain.

Nancy moved from behind the protection of the car door. Her walk was determined but easily blocked by the intimidating Hopper who was at wits end when it came to having to deal with children. He was already forced to go around on some never ending chase but now there were added casualties - a group of middle school kids who were God knows where, Joyce's other non-missing son, some random new girl, and a kid with superpowers he had yet to meet.

"Mike could be in there! He-" Nancy struggled against Hopper's hold. Just his one hand was enough to wrap around the entirety of her arm and hold her back. There was nothing she would be able to do in order to break out of that hold or through his stubborn mind.

"The last thing we need is for them to know that you are also mixed up in all of this," Hopper persisted, getting closer to Nancy's height so that his voice would not project further than it already did. "They have not found him, not yet at least." He pointed a finger up to a passing helicopter and just then the urgency became stronger. These crazy lab people not only were head on land power, they were also resorting to using the sky in order to beat your group to the punch.

Pushing Nancy back to the door she had just left from, Hopper ushered the rest of you inside. You had been the unlucky one in the middle of it all. Stuck having to face most of Hopper's wrath and days of stress as you tried your best with directions and explanations so far. Jonathan was still silently looking out the window at times, just observing everything unfold before him. There was little on his mind other than the fact that he had caused further unneeded stress on his mother. "Look, we need to find them before they do. Do any of you have any idea where they might have gone?" Nancy was quick to say no while Jonathan just shook his head. "I need you to think. C'mon new girl, didn't they hand around you?"

It was comical that he thought that you would know more about the kids than their own siblings, but he was right. A few places came to mind. The library (out of the question since it was too popular), any of the houses were also out, and you doubt that Will's make-shift caste would be able to house all the kids you were searching for. "I don't know about a sure place where they could go... but I know how we can get into contact with them, safely. They usually always carry walkie-talkies to talk to each other. Will's should be in the house unless that was also lost."

"It is! I know where it is," Jonathan finally broke in. You were happy to get Hopper's intense gaze off of your back for the meantime as he drove out of his observing spot and in the direction of the Byer house. The man swerved left and right to get through other cars driving by. The underlying fear that the agents were already out and about only served to push him to arrive faster.

Jonathan was the first one out the car, swinging the door open with one hand pulling on yours to drag you behind him. He left you with little time to take in the state of his house before shoving the door to Will's room open. "I'll check the drawers, you look on the floor." You could hear him ripping the drawers open as he pushed various papers out of the way in search of the walkie-talkie. Managing to find it in record time under the bed, you threw it to the open and ready hands of Nancy who got straight to work.

"Mike, are you there? This is Nancy, we need you to answer. Do you copy?" she urgently asked through the walkie-talkie. Her words did little to get through since there was radio silence on your end. A silence that closed various options of ever being able to find the kids before the enemy.

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