Chapter 5: First-day Jitters

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Note: Chapter unedited

It was almost midnight, the pizza had gone cold long ago and your interest was slowly slipping away as your body wanted to go to sleep. The boys had invited you over to their basement campaign again, raving about how Mike had planned something huge for this one but would still continue from the last story. They didn't even let you get a proper dinner with the Wheeler family before shoving you down the stairs and throwing you your sketchbook.

At first, they had your full attention, Mike grasping your imagination with his witty storytelling- at least for his age. Dustin, Lucas, and Will all sat on the edge of their seats at his every word, waiting for the big reveal of their boss battle. Mike did promise them after all. But after five hours, your attention was more so focused on the pattern on the rugs or the texture of the sofa, both of which were interesting to your blank mind.

"A shadow grows on the wall behind you... swallowing you in darkness... it is almost there...," Mike whispered to the boys sitting in front of him, waving his hands around to emphasize the side of the potential danger.

"What is it?" Will asked dice in his hands at the ready to roll and attack.

"The Demogorgon?" Dustin whispered, excitement in his voice.

"It's not the demogorgon," Lucas said, shooting an irritated glare at Dustin who stuck his tongue out in retaliation.

"An army of Troglodytes charge into the chamber! Their tails drum the floor! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Mike screamed, slamming his fist down on the table, effectively taking you out of your half-asleep state.

"Told ya!" Lucas yelled at Dustin, hands held up in victory.

Mike paused, looked behind him, straight at you, and gave you a grin- it was the moment. He opened his eyes wide, full of fake fear, and turned back to the boys urgently. "Wait! you hear that? Boom! Boom! BOOM! It couldn't be... that's not from the Troglodytes. No... it's coming from behind them... The Demogorgon!" He yelled, slamming the monster figure onto the table.


"We're all gonna die!"

"Will, your action."

"I... I don't know-," He stuttered out, staring between the figure and the dice.

"Fireball him!"

"That's too risky- I would have to roll a thirteen or higher."

"Then cast a protection spell!"

"Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!"

"Protection spell-"

"The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering. It steps towards you! Boom!" Mike yelled, interrupting the still arguing boys shaking the table.

"Fireball him Will!"

"Another step! Boom!"

"Cast protection!"

"It roars in anger," He pauses for the drama as Dustin and Lucas continue to scream their demands at a panicking Will. "And..."

"Fireball!" Will screams out, rolling the dice hard making it scatter across the room. It had landed near you but none of them seemed to notice.

"What is it?" Lucas asked, scanning the room for the other one. The question was directed at you and Will but they were so focused on finding it that it didn't matter if you even said the number on the dice you got.

"I don't know!"

"Is it a thirteen?"


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