Chapter 3: The Boys Play Matchmaker Horribly

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Waking up to the sounds of Los Terrícolas singing their entire hearts out was a common occurrence in your household. Normally, the room would be overtaken by the groans of girls not wanting to get up, but now your room was just you and your sad little mattress that kept you holding onto sleep. Getting your morning stretch in before your mother decided you got enough sleep was a daily practice before but now you were more willing to let it happen. After all, today was the day that the rest of the furniture would come in, along with everything that made your room you.

Slipping on some slippers while still trying to fully wake up, you made your way downstairs to start your day of cleaning. You were met with the sight of your mom dancing along to the music with the mop as her partner. Doing a little spin she finally managed to notice you at the bottom of the stairs, staring off into the distance.

Making her way towards you with a few dancing steps she finally starts to drag you over to the front door. "The movers got here a bit early, around eight I think so time to get your muscles working 'cause you're doing all of the heavy loading today!"

"Are you being serious right now?" Not only was your weakened barely awake body not agreeing to any of this but your petty self started to remember how you ended up packing everything up with the workers while your mom stood by the side.

"Awww... but I thought I had such an independent girl living with me. One that didn't need any help. Also, I already did the majority of the cleaning so it's only fair. Besides, most of it has to be built inside anyways, less heavy for you. "

"But... maaaaaaa... I don't want to. Can't we just get a vecino or someone to help? Un amigo or algo sabes?"

"Nope. Los trabajadores ya se fueron y además la única que hizo amigos ayer fuiste tu no yo, yo nomas hice amigas. I doubt they are willing to volunteer their husbands to help the new neighbors move in their furniture."

Sighing, you regretfully accepted your fate as your mom cranked up the volume on the music. Los Terrícolas seemed to be laughing at your misfortune as their heartbreak songs still managed to be heard outside. The few neighbors that were outside of their house waved at you to acknowledge your presence but continued on with their morning routine. Slowly but surely, your living room started to get filled up with wooden planks for your various pieces of furniture. Your mom already started to work on the dining tables and chairs as she was already working on the kitchen from the beginning. Heavy pieces, such as the couch, were still in your driveway waiting to be brought in, but you were leaving them to the last minute to gain some energy back before breaking your back trying to get them inside.

The sounds of music and your deep breaths were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. Your mom continued to clean without a care in the world as it seemed to only get even more annoying, pressing more into your growing annoyance. Knowing that you wouldn't be expecting any calls this soon from the boys, there was no reason to pick it up, but after letting it ring itself out the person calling continued to do so. Groaning out, you finally decided to pick up after the fight round of callbacks, greeting good morning nuisance in a dead voice.

"(Y/N)! Good morning! Me and the boys are bored so we have decided to come over to your house. Mom is also forcing me to leave, something about seeing a moving van early in the morning and sending us to help," Mike said, basically screaming his introduction with the sounds of laughter in the background.

For a minute you didn't respond at all, mostly from the ringing in your ear due to the volume in his voice, but also from the surprise of kids being awake so early. You asked your mom for permission to have people over, something that she approved of rather quickly as long as they brought help for the heavy furniture. Mike was calling for you still, trying to get your attention due to you not responding at all to his various questions. "Mike, my mom said it's fine as long as someone that can lift heavy objects comes along. I live four blocks down the general store right across a green house with a lot of flowers."

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