Chapter 1: welcome to the human realm

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On an arena surrounded by flames we hear the chanting of both souls and and the inhabitants, below were two combatants locked in a fierce duel, both had horns and tails, but one was tall and muscular, while the other was rather short and lean.

The tall one was about 195 cm tall and held a massive sword made of bones while the short one was only 164 cm and was fighting barehanded and barefoot.

However despite the clear difference is size the larger combatant was heavily panting while the shorter combatant was still jumping around.

"-Huff- -Huff- Big brother -huff- why haven't you landed -huff- a single strike on me? -huff- are you perhaps underestimating me?" The giant said revealing himself to be the younger brother of the short combatant.

"No I am not, you are strong, stronger than me, if I took a swing from your sword then it's over for me, the only thing I have going for me is that I am faster, more agile and have more stamina than you." The short combatant said.

"T-That's not true big brother, you are also the most adept in using Hounds fire, even Death-sensei and mom are amazed by how good you are." The tall combatant said.

"Haha thank you Cadet #89500, and don't worry I am sure you'll be named very soon, now as a testament of reaching this far, I will show you my strongest technique, lets see if you can hold on." The older brother said.

The younger brother braced for impact, he already knew what technique it was, and he knew he can't outrun it, so his best bet is to just brace for impact.

The older brother was then engulfed in red flames as he took a runner start, his feet then burst into flames as he was propelled forward, as his flames engulfed his figure as he was rocketing towards his brother the flames morphed into the visage of a massive flaming dog head, everyone in the arena was in awe as they never seen anything so destructive yet so beautiful, as the flaming dog reached its target the younger brother tried to hold on, but that didn't last as he was slammed into a wall and was knocked unconscious.

As the flames died down the figure of the older brother was seen, he raised his fist as red flames erupted from it, this caused the crowd to roar into a frenzy.

From above the the observers throne floated Death himself accompanied by Cerberus the guard dog of the underworld and mother of all 200,000 hounds.

"You did well Kouen, although that wasn't really a surprise, you are one of the best hounds after all." Death said.

"I am proud of you my son, you did well." Cerberus said as she remained in her giant dog form.

"Thank you Death-sensei, mom, but all my brothers and sisters did great well." Kouen said.

"Indeed you all did... now... here claim your prize." Death said as he slammed his foot down.

A stone mound suddenly appeared beneath the ground, stuck to it was a red crystal lance with chains surrounding it, this was one of the underworld's treasure, the Crimson Lance.

Kouen admired the Lance for a few seconds before Death placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Take it young one." Death said.

Kouen stepped on the podium as his brothers and sisters began to cheer for him, he then placed his hands on the handle but recoiled due to the heat that was emanating from the lance, Kouen then smiled as he grabbed the handle with both his hands and began pulling the lance, his hands began to smoke due to the sheer heat radiating from the lance, as the chains prevented him from pulling it any further, but Kouen was stubborn and refused to let the weapon best him, he kept of pulling and one by one the chains began to creak and one by one began to snap, after the last chain snapped Kouen shouted a gut wrenching scream as he and the weapon was engulfed in a bright tower of flames, everyone, except for Death and Cerberus, shielded their eyes, soon the light died down and in the middle was Kouen raising the lance above his head with a triumphant smile.

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