No PoV
Today was a very exciting day for Kouen, today was the day that he was gonna be able to collab with his senpais from HoloLIVE and HoloSTARS.
Including Kouen they were all 12 in total playing an interesting game called Among Us, with him are Magni and Bettel representing HoloSTARS EN along with Astel, Roberu, and Aruran representing HoloSTARS JP, for the girls they have Kaela and Risu from HoloLIVE ID, Marine and Suisei from HoloLIVE JP and finally IRYs and Gura from HoloLIVE EN.
The lobby for the game was chaotic to say the least, Gura and Suisei were shouting since both of them wanted to be blue, Risu was chasing Aruran around as the others just laughed as they talked to their chat.
"Hi Kouen, it's nice to meet you." Kaela Kovalskia, the Blacksmith of ID said as this is their first time meeting and collabing.
"Oh, Kaela-senpai, hello nice to meet you as well." Kouen happily greeted.
"Yo Kaela did you know you're Kouen's oshi." Better said with a large s**t eating grin that Kouen could feel through his monitor.
"BETTEL-SENPAI, STOP!" Kouen said, slightly embarrassed about meeting his oshi like this.
"O-Oh, really? Thank you so much." Kaela shyly replied.
"N-No problem senpai, actually you were the first one from ID that I watched, I find your streams very relaxing and entertaining, I wanna be like you someday." Kouen said.
"O-Oh, well I know you'll get there... wait is that why you do like 8 hour streams? You don't need to copy my broken sleep schedule as well Kouen." Kaela asked.
"No no, I actually have a bunch of energy, I can go a whole... 3 days without sleep." Kouen said withholding the fact that since he is a Flame Hound he doesn't need sleep, it's just management doesn't allow him past 6 hours, he is just stubborn and always go for more.
"I see, well we're the same in that regard, haha." Kaela said.
Soon all 12 members began to introduce themselves to each others chat, the boys let the girls start first since Magni and Roberu were still having some technical issues, however they were able to get it fixed thanks to management and soon it was Kouens turn to introduce himself.
"Kouennichiwa everyone, my name is KOUn but you can all call me Kouen, or Ko-chan, I am HoloSTARS ENs VSinger and a member of guild TEMPUS as an entertainer, thank you all for having me." Kouen said as his senpais cheered for him.
"Ko-chan always introduce himself as TEMPUS's entertainer, but I thought you were the light of TEMPUS?" Suisei asked.
"I mean, yeah, the truth is they ran out of positions to give me so they just chucked me in the TEMPUS Tavern as a singer, I still go on missions and such but yeah, when I say I am the 'Light' of TEMPUS, what I actually mean is the Light of the party." Kouen said.
Everyone, including Kouen, then laughed at his answer, but his chat was very interested in his position and lore, soon a whole wave of Kouen art with him in standing on a stage with a microphone in front of him while singing emerged.
Soon everyone was finished with their introductions and are now ready to play the game, they had proximity chat enabled to make things more interesting, their screens then faded to black as everyone began to hear less and less of each other, soon the roles were given.
"Ok I am a... Shapeshifter... what's that?" Kouen said as he didn't read the description fast enough.
Blue Supa
CurvyBananaIt means that you are an imposter that can turn into any of the other crew mates, your name also changes so you can literally kill anyone and blame it on someone else, just press [?] button.