Introduction to the Main Character

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"Girllll!! You should've seen yourself up there. You looked soo pretty in that dress, and the designs were so pretty. "
"Thanks, Andeyah!"
Andeyah has been my friend since kindergarten. She's helped me through all my hardships since she knows I'm not really the happiest after i found out where my mom had actually been . My mom was a famous fashion designer before she died two years after my birth from a car accident, which practically broke our family apart. My mom was what held the family together, but when she left, things were not the same again. My dad was a businessman, so we were financially stable, but when he found out I was talented in designing clothes like my mom, he completely changed. He told me about my mom's death when I first entered kindergarten and discovered my love for designing clothes when I managed to draw 5 clothes from just my imagination. At the time I was soo happy to discover something like that, that I immediately rushed to his study to show it to him but the only thing he told me was how I was to go to my room and produce 10 more designs that look almost exactly like the ones that I produced before and that he would be coming to check on me later to tell me something. I was soo happy at the time because I thought that my father was proud of me, not knowing he was just using me. I went on to draw the clothes nicely and watched Naruto when I finished because I was bored.

Later on, my father came to my room and told me how my mom was a famous fashion designer and why she named my 'Serenity', which is the name of her designs. I was soo happy to know of my mom and the meaning behind my name but sad at the same time because of my mom's death. That day I made a decision that both made me who I am today and broke me at the same time.I made a promise to myself in front of my father to continue designing clothes to bring back Serenity designs to its former glory. And like Naruto, I never go back on my my word.

So from that day on forward my father started homeschooling me so I could produce more clothes for him to launch, I still kept in touch with Andeyah and my other friends I made in my small time in school. Sometimes it got very overwhelming for a child to designs clothes of a particular request every day in the week whiles keeping up with homeschooling but whenever I told my dad to give me a break he would just bring up my mom's name which would intern make naive little me forget I was ever requesting for a break in the first place.

As I got older I started noticing how my dad would only talk to me when I was needed for clothing designs so I asked my dad if I could go out to shop for new stationeries but of course he didn't care because I was kept secret from public eye since birth so I could go out in public without catching any attention. And there I met my best friend Andeyah and told her everything, she was a little reluctant to give me her opinion on the matter because she thought it would be a little rude but she did anyways and that's when it all dawned on me. My father never gave me much attention after my mom's death and only started talking to me after I showed him my designs. He only talked to me when he needed more designs and didn't give me much breaks in fear of me losing my touch and getting too relaxed to work. And on top of that he didn't let me go to school!!!

I felt so angered, betrayed, and sad that I started crying. The only family I had left never loved me and only used me for my  talent.I didn't let that get to me though and made a plan with Andeyah and told her to find me some of her friends who were interested in becoming models and have them model for the company. I would slowly but surely snatch my mom's company from my dad's hand and make it even better. From that day onwards I started asking my dad to allow me to go to where my designs were sowed in the guise of getting my inspiration for my next designs but I was just trying to get my name out there and sign as many clothes as I could before my dad came to pick me up.

After a while, it worked because people started realising some clothes were signed while others were not. And rumours were going around about a girl who looked to be around 11 to 12 who came around to sign the clothes and correct the tailors who sowed the clothes if there were any mistakes. And as expected there rumours soon reached the public and my father had no choice but to come clean about my existence and that I was the one who was designing the clothes and signing them and soon because of that, I was able to go to a few interviews alone and see my designs modeled by Andeyah and her friends. I myself modelled a few, and slowly, Serenity designs shifted to my hands.

I'm now the youngest CEO at the age of 15, managing a whole company by myself, and even though it's stressful sometimes, it is fun. But I feel as though there is more I can do than just sit around and design clothes over and over again. Now I've got nothing to do with my father since we've signed a contract to never cross paths again. So I'm pretty bored these days since I've made enough designs to last me a year, maybe even more. And it all brings us to now after I've finished fashion week, and I'm home watching Naruto for probably the hundredth time with Andeyah.
"Sere Serene Serenity!!" "Are you there, girll? I've been calling you for a while now!" Andeyah exclaimed. God, she's such a drama queen.
"Yh, I heard, and thanks for the compliment on the dresses, though you were also rocking the dress, and what were you saying again??" I asked
"Well, I was saying my dad is taking my whole family.. including me to travel around the world, and the time we will come back is undetermined, so I don't know if I'll be able to model for you for a while. Serenity I'm really sorry and us your best friend I'm really ashamed of myself, I tried to talk to my dad but he wouldn't listen and I really love modelling but you know how my dad is when he makes up his mind I'm sorry."
"Andeyah it's ok, it's not your fault go and spend time with your family your spot on the modelling will still be reserved for you now go on along and pack make sure to keep in touch."
"Thanks, Serenity. I'll miss you!." Andeyah exclaimed
"Me too!!" We both hugged, and Andeyah left for her house .

Now, it all comes down to me sitting alone in my room watching Naruto alone with nothing else to do. Oh, how I wish I had super strength like Tsunade, speed like Minato, IQ like shikamaru and others that are too many to add, and last of all, live in the Naruto Verse for a while.
"And what if I say we can grant you that wish!" A mysterious voice said
"Huh? Who are you guys?" I questioned
" we are ...

Hello to all my future readers, this is my first time ever publishing a story online, and i hope you all like this story. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes in the story, and feel free to comment on it. English is not my first language and I'll try my best to improve my writing and thank you to anyone who will read this story and if you want to know how the main character looks it's the image above before you start reading the story.

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