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------Serenity's pov-----

I run out of the barbecue place right after I got the pastries with a little bit of tears coming out-of my eyes to make my act more believable. Seriously, what did I do to deserve a dead boyfriend who I never knew like this doesn't make any sense. Judging by his name I would have really liked him too oh well its not everything that can go my way.

As I was walking I felt Kakashi's chakra signature getting closer to me which ment he was following me and to make my act more believable I run up some houses in an attempt to get away from him. Like all the shows he caught me somehow and I broke down crying on his shoulders. I feel soo guilty lying to him but this is the only thing i can do.

"Serena-chan, please don't cry because of what anko said. I know talking about your him is a sad topic for you but Anko is kind of brash and speaks without thinking." Kakashi said in an attempt to calm me down.

"I kn-kn- know she di-di- didn't mean any ha-ha- harm but what sh-sh- she said just ma-ma- made me remember the time i learnt about his death is all. And I kn-kn- know you want to le-le- learn about his name too kakashi, ev-eve- everyone is curious at some point and you will know one of these days along with the team." I said while crying and stuttering as I spoke.

Kakashi just looked down sadly whiles hugging me. He is probably feeling sad or pity for me, poor guy. I really don't want to lie to him cause I really like him but that's the only thing I can do at the moment and if I tell the truth then it's game over. Why does life have to be so cruel and why am I crying even more and its real tears now.

"It's ok Serena-chan let it all out." Kakashi said whiles stroking my head gently. His words and actions just made me hug him and cry harder. I felt kind of happy coming into this universe thinking that I could finally meet the man i felt attracted to all those times I watched Naruto. I know people might think this is weird because, crushing on an anime guy that hard is unheard-of but, I always felt a connection to him like I knew he was real.  I couldn't understand what I was feeling  at the time but now i do. The guy I like is real, I am here right now in his arms faking and crying real tears at the same time. One because of duty and the other because of guilt. I've really liked Kakashi for a long time and lying to him and about another man too was not really on my list when I was coming to this world. Why must life be soo hard for me.

I just have to put all the guilt behind me and sadly return back to my duties of not making things go BOOM.
"Thank you for helping me Kakashi, I really appreciate it and will repay you for your kindness. I don't think I would have functioned properly today had I not let all the tears out. Turns out I was not fully over him yet." I said sadly
"You don't really have to do anything for me and I will always be there if you need me." Kakashi said whiles smiling.
"Thanks Kakashi~~~ let's head towards the training grounds we don't want to keep our cute genins waiting." I said switching to my normal tone whiles smiling brightly at Kakashi. Kakashi also smiled at me and followed me to training grounds 7.

----Timeskip training ground 7---
Kakashi parted ways with me when we got close to training ground seven so he could go and swap with his clones but before he left I gave him some of the snacks to give to naruto and sasuke whiles I headed to my side of the training to swap and train sakura. Right now we are just focusing on speed, physical training and chakra control. Teamwork will be done through d ranks.
I already briefed Kakashi on how I want the genins to be trained so he doesn't mess up.

I successfully swapped with my clone and learnt about everything that happened. Turns out that the boys made it back to the gate 5 minutes before time up whiles sakura made it 30 seconds before time up pretty embarrassing if you ask me.
"Ok sakura first of all you are too thin for a Kunoichi are you on a diet?" I asked acting clueless
"Well sensei, I thought it would be good to keep fit so I went on a diet." Sakura replied looking down
"Sakura let me tell you something about Kunoichi's, we never go on diets ok? Training doesn't make us fat so we eat to our hearts content and that's what I want you to do ok?" I asked sakura with a raised eyebrow
"Ok sensei." Sakura replied with a look of understanding.

I would have had sakura fight my clone to get a grip on her strength but I didn't want my eyes to burn so I just had her put on the weight seals and set it on 5 kg for her arms and legs. After that I had her do 20 sit ups, 20 push ups, 10 squates, 10 lunges etc to build up her strength. Sakura was very weak so she was doing quite horrible at first so in order to make it easier for her, I made a rule that she could request for a break for a maximum of 5 minutes only if she added 2 to all the exercises she had left to do. It kind of pushed hair to work harder and faster but she still requested for 10 breaks before the 4 hours were up.

So now we have to work on decreasing the amount of breaks she asks for before increasing the exercise for her. It's going to take a while for her to get on par with the boys but she's smart so she'll get there.
"Sensei when are we going to have lunch I'm very hungry and exhausted." Sakura asked tiredly
"Let's head to where the boys are my clone should be delivering lunch soon." I replied whiles dragging sakura to the boys.

When we got there the boys were sitting under trees looking very exhausted but better than sakura. My clone was also there with food for everyone.
"Hi everyone." I greeted happily
" Hiii!" The responded
"Sakura-chan! What's wrong with you!" Naruto asked worriedly
"It's nothing Naruto, I'm just exhausted from training." Sakura replied
"Sensei what did you do to her?" Naruto asked
"Nothing, now let's eat and continue training." I replied happily

Damn! this chapter took alot out of me but hope you guys like it. Thanks for reading it!

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