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"But Sakura sh-
"She's fine, Naruto.''
"But She-She."
"Naruto Uzumaki! Stop questioning me! sit down! and eat your fcking food!" I yelled out annoyed
"Yes sensei!" Naruto said with a scared look on his face.
Seriously! these kids will be the death of me.
"Naruto, don't worry, i look like this because I was training real  hard, and soon I will be as strong as you and sasuke." Sakura said with a reassuring smile.
"Hn. Don't think it will be that easy, Sakura." Sasuke said with his head tilted high, but I could see a faint smile on his face. It seems sasuke is warming up to his teammates.
"Shut up, sasuke! You can do it, Sakura-chan. I believe in you!" Naruto said with a thumbs up.
"Keep quiet and eat. we still have the second part of your training to focus on." Kakashi said sternly whiles eating his food.

Today's lunch was ramen but made to everyone's preference. 20 bowls of miso and pork ramen for naruto, 1 bowl of beet and shoyu ramen for sakura, 1 bowl of tomato shio ramen with an extra bowl of tomatoes for sasuke, 2 bowls of miso ramen for kakashi and 2 bowls of pork ramen for me. Everyone thanked me for the food, and my clone walked off with its job done. I sat beside Kakashi and started eating my food. I really wanted to talk to him but I just didn't know how but luckily he broke the silence.
"So Serena-chan, how was training with sakura today?"
"It was good. I guess she still has a long way to go." I replied with a sigh.
"I suspected that reply." He replied with a shake of his head
"How was yours with the boys?" I asked
"I had each of them spar with my clone first to evaluate their, and it seems they all have their strong suits as suspected. They did fairly well with the physical training, so I will amp it up more tomorrow, but for now, what should we do for the chakra control training today." Kakashi said while questioning me at the end.

"They already know tree walking, so let's focus on water walking, and when they are good at that, then we start them on elemental manipulation." I said while finishing my first bowl of ramen.
We sat there in silence while eating until it was time for the second part of the training.

"Ok, everyone, it's time for training part 2. Naruto, come with me and Sakura." As I said that, I grabbed Naruto and pulled him towards my part of the training grounds.

Time skip 2 minutes~~
"Ok, brats, so we will be focusing on chakra control for this portion of your training. This time we will not be climbing trees but we will be walking on water." I said with a smile on my face
"Sensei, are you sure you're not sick because first of all there is no water body here and it's impossible to walk on water." Naruto said with a raised eyebrow.
I just ignored him and held up a ram, handsign to try and manipulate my earth chakra. Right now, I don't know how to do that many jutsus, so my only option is to concentrate and imagine. So after I held the ram handsign, I imagined that there was a 500m pool to my right 5 foot deep and started manipulating my chakra to form it. It took about a minute, and when i opened my eyes, it had been formed. I then did I few handsign and spewed 5 water balls from my mouth to fill up the pool. It was much easier to do since I had already practised that jutsu, but seriously, if the Goddesses had implanted the jutsus in my head well, I wouldn't be struggling this much to create jutsus What were they thinking that day.

"Now that the water source problem is taking care off, it's time to show you how to walk on water." As I said that, I channelled chakra to my feet in a constant flow, matching how the water moved. After I did that, I took a step into the water and started walking on the water. I walked back and forth twice before moving back to land so the kids could take their turn.
"Now that I've demonstrated how it's done, it's your turn to try."

They started of good, well, mostly sakura. She was able to take about 4 steps before she fell in whiles Naruto took only 2.
They kept on trying and trying but still couldn't get it. To be honest, I  was feeling kind of bad for them, so I called them over.
"Sensei, for some reason, the water walking is not working no matter how hard I try, and I'm running out of chakra." Sakura said

"Well, how have you been doing it?" I questioned

"Like the tree walking exercise, obviously." Naruto replied

"Hmm, what's the difference between water and a tree sakura, and please answer in chakra output terms?" I asked directly at Sakura.

"Hmmm, in chakra terms, a tree stays put and has a straight surface, so it only demands a fixed amount of chakra outage throughout not too small and not too big just neutral. But unlike a tree, the depth of the water changes, which means the chakra outage will have to be adjusted to match the ever-constantly changing depth of the water." Sakura said in a thinking pose

"There you go! That's your answer so go on and finish your training." She literally knew the answer but was still struggling with her training. I just don't understand people sometimes.

"Sensei! I still don't get it!" Naruto said
"Naruto, let's go. I will explain it to you in the water." Sakura said, dragging Naruto away.
Hopefully, Naruto will get it when Sakura explains it to him well, but for now, let me place my phone in a genjutsu so I can continue watching dragon ball super.

----Timeskip 1 hour-----
I had just finished watching the fight between goku Super saiyan God and Lord beerus, and damn it was awesome. Goku's previous transformations back in Z were cool, but this one is just so much cooler. And Lord beerus is crazy strong. This guy fought Goku and used like only 70% of his power. I have to ask mom or the Goddesses if I can maybe visit that universe if it's real because I'm  even more amazed by Goku's power than I was before. Let me see if I can watch another episode.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Sensei! I did it, I did it! I finally managed to walk back and forth on water!" Ahhh! Sakura just had to scream when the new episode was about to start. Why did I even accept this job in the first place.

"Well done sakura now after I replenish your reserves, your new task will be to walk back and forth from the tree 50 times and on water 50 times. I will replenish your reserves only once an hour and make sure you complete the task. It will help increase your reserves and perfect your chakra control so get to work!" I said a bit annoyed, not that she noticed. Naruto seems to be also doing well on his training. He's been able to walk about 250 metres, so he  should be done by the time training is over.

"Naruto, remember to clear your head when you're walking on water it helps when you're moving the chakra to your feet, It's what I did when I was learning water walking. You're struggling a bit because of how large your chakra reserves are, which is making you struggle, but this technique should help. Just remember to clear your head and focus on the water and your chakra and try to move your chakra to your feet in the pattern the water is moving in." I said, explaining to him as best I could.
"Thanks for the help, sensei!" Naruto exclaimed. I just smiled at him and created a clone to watch them train whiles i sat back down to continue watching dragonball super

-----Timeskip 4:30pm-----
"Ok, time up! Let's go and meet Kakashi and Sasuke!"

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