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After my mom left and I woke up, I washed down and had a little bit of food to help replenish my energy. The hokage had sent an anbu to call me to his office, so I had to get ready to leave to leave. I'm not really feeling a hundred per cent, but it's not like I have a choice, so I shunshined myself into his office just to see him reading icha icha paradise and giggling perversely What a perverted old man.

I stood there for a minute, but he had not sensed me, so I cleared my throat to get his attention.

"Oh, Serenity, you're here!" He said startled

"Yes, I am, and I must say I'm a bit disappointed by what i saw. You know that you have a lot of paperwork to finish, yet here you are reading that book. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the book, nor do I hate it, but you shouldn't be reading it while on duty." I said in a disapproving tone.
"I know, but then this job is so tiring. I just needed a way to relieve stress." He said
"I don't care you're embarrassing the village by doing that, and you are also leaving a lot of paperwork for the Hokages  that are yet to come. After we are done with the meeting, make sure to finish your paperwork or else..." I said in a threatening tone. This sure is fun. I've almost got that Oldman wrapped around my finger.
"Yes ma'am!"
"Ok, now activate the privacy seals." I said calmly.
He did the handsigns and whispered the jutsu. The place glowed bright for a second, then dimed.

"Old man, I don't like beating around the Bush, so let's get to the point. Your village system sucks. you don't pay enough attention or choose to ignore what's going on in it. Let's take the academy. For example, you know that Naruto will have exceptionally large chakra reserves and, as a result, won't be able to make the normal clone. You would have allowed them to fail him, knowing very well that it's not the kids' fault he's not able to perform the jutsu. You could have found a better way for him to train, yet you didn't. You just went along with the civilian graduating system like that when you knew you could have upped it to suit both shinobi and civilian families." I said with a pissed expression.

"And how do you propose we do that?" He asked with a serious look on his face. To be honest, I feel a bit intimidated, but I have to stay strong to get my ideas across.
"The academy classes end at 12 in the afternoon, which leaves a lot of extra time for the kids to play. You could use from 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm to help the kids in need of extra attention. Of course, we would need a sensei you trust isn't in any way biased for that kind of training. It will most likely hold civilian born children, but It's not all that bad." I explained

"Hmm, I get where you're coming from. nowadays, the genin graduates without really being at the genin level. Mostly, the clan children are as they get extra training from the clan, but with your idea, the civilian children will graduate at genin level or a bit higher which will help boost our military power a bit." The hokage said with an impressed look on his face.

"Yh, i also think the academy instructors she evaluate the students individually to see their weaknesses or maybe ask them if they want to specialise in some areas." I added in a thinking pose.

"But if they specialise, won't that make them weak in some areas?" He asked

"Specialising doesn't mean they can't train themselves in other areas. Take me, for example. I specialise in Ninjutsu and taijutsu and a bit of medical ninjutsu and fuuinjutsu, but that doesn't mean I'm weak in genjutsu and kenjutsu because I train in those areas sometimes." I replied

" Hmm, that's also a good idea. Let's talk about how we're going to use your ideas." After he said that we talked for about two hours on how we could improve the academy and a few other things, it was exhausting but nothing I couldn't handle.

Timeskip one week~~
I knew that team seven was expected to arrive today so I started cooking food for them. I wanted to go and meet them at the gate, so I quickly  cooked and took a bath after the bath. I dressed in a nice casual outfit and left for the gate's.

When I arrived, they weren't there, so I waited for about 30 minutes before I started seeing them a bit far away

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When I arrived, they weren't there, so I waited for about 30 minutes before I started seeing them a bit far away. I waved them, and they started running towards me.
"SENSEI!!" I heard Naruto scream
"Sensei! How are you doing? The mission was amazing. We met these strong people and fought them....."  He said a lot of stuff, but i just ignored him when kakashi, along with Sakura and sasuke, arrived.
"Hello, sensei." Sakura and sasuke greeted
"Hello, Serena-chan," Kakashi greeted
"Hello Sasuke, Sakura, and kakashi-kun." I greeted back
"From the looks of it, your mission went well, but there were a few bumps." I said with a smile
"You're right, Serena-chan.
"Well, go and give your mission report. Sakura, go and see your parents." I said
"Make sure to come to my house after you're done. I've cooked a lot of food." I added
They all said OK and ran off.

About thirty minutes later, I heard my doorbell ring and went to check it out. It was my teammates.
"Sensei, I'm starving. Did you cook ramen? I've not had some since I left for the mission." Naruto asked
" Yes, I cooked some, but you have to eat some of the after food too. Only ramen is not healthy for you." I reliplied with a smile.

I let them in, and they all washed their hand and sat at the table. I cooked a lot of food: ramen, yakitori, sushi, tempura, rice, miso soup, etc, and desserts
Naruto immediately went for the ramen he was eating at such fast speed. I was honestly shocked. The others were eating at a much slower pace.
"So, who did you fight on the mission?" I asked
"We fought zabuza momoichi and his apprentice Haku." Kakashi replied
"Hn, their both dead." Sasuke added
"Ohhh, that guy is strong. I wish I was there to see it." I said with a pout on my face.
"Anyways, tell me everything that happened."
We sat there, and  they explained all their fights

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