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I woke up feeling happier than usual. I guess that's what love does to you.
I got ready to and had some breakfast before carrying on to meet the team for the chunin exams.

I wore a nice, simple, black kunoichi dress and shunshined to meet the team.

I wore a nice, simple, black kunoichi dress and shunshined to meet the team

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I arrived right beside Kakashi, who, of course, was reading his book.
"Hey!" I said with a big smile on my face
"Hey." He replied back, pocketing his book to hug me.
"You look beautiful by the way." He complimented while giving me an approving look
"Thanks and you don't look too bad yourself." I replied
"Where are the others?" I questioned while returning his hug
"Probably causing trouble downstairs." He replied
"Should we check on them?" I said, acting worried.
"No, they will be fine." He replied
"So what will we be doing when they are taking the exams?" I asked
"For the first portion, we will be in the jonin lounge just relaxing since we are not really allowed to do much, then we will move to the tower in the forest of death.

"Uh huh OK I sense them coming." I said, actually feeling a bit worried since I actually know what's going to happen but can't do anything to stop it.
"Serenity, are you OK?" Kakashi asked while turning to face
"Yh, I am. It is just that I'm worried about them, y'know. What if something happens to them? Anything can happen in the exam." I said half lying and half telling the truth.
But what I was worried about was if the bonding time the team had with sasuke was enough to stop sasuke from going onto the evil path

"They're going to be fine. Remember, they are strong. Besides, if you didn't believe in them, you wouldn't have nominated them for the exam." Kakashi said, trying to calm me down
"I know b-
"Nothing is going to happen to them." He said while hugging me

"Wow!! It seems that our sensei's have solved their problems now!" Naruto shouted out loud
"Narutooo! You ruined the moment!" Sakura yelled, annoyed
"Hn." Sasuke grunted
"Oh hi." I said, getting out of Kakashi's embrace
"Serenity sensei are the both of you... yknow?"
"Enough about that. we came to see you three off. Oh, and this exam is strictly taken by 3 man squads only." Kakashi said, interrupting my reply
"Are you trying to say that had one of us chosen not to take the exam, none of us would have been able to do it?" Sasuke questioned
"Yh, we didn't want either of you to pressure each other. That's why we didn't tell you three." I answered simply
"We don't want to waste your time any longer, so get going?" Kakashi said lazily
"Sasuke, come here." I said. He came towards me, and I moved him a bit further away from the team. I then pit a chakra shield around so as to block Kakashi from listening into the conversation

"Is there something wrong sensei?" Sasuke asked
"I just want to say a few words to you." I replied
"You already know the truth, so don't plunger into the darkness. Don't listen to what some fool says when you know what's right. Power can only lead you into a dark path. Please do what is right." I said, hoping my words would somehow convince him
"Sensei, what do you mean?" He asked, confused
"Don't dwell on why I'm saying this, but please listen to it and take it to heart." I said while walking away and dispelling the barrier
I saw him thinking deeply while walking towards Naruto and Sakura.
He rejoined them, and they all entered the room
"So what do we do now?" I questioned while leaning into kakashi's embrace
"Well, we have about 20 minutes before we have to head to the jonin lounge, so let's go and get some dango." Kakashi answered before shunshining us to the dango shop.

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