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Not much has happened after the wave mission. Training and just more d-rank missions and a few uneventful c-ranks. Of course, we had a few team hangouts at ichiraku's or my place, but not much after that. The team has grown a lot in terms of strength and attitude when it comes to Sasuke. Sakura's knowledge of medical ninjutsu has grown a lot, though I don't know how much I can help on that one when it reaches to some point. Her healing abilities have improved, and so has her combat skills, but he rest will have to be done by Tsunade after the chunin exams cause I'm not a medical ninja. Her knowledge on other things medicine is very impressive, though.

Sasuke has also improved alot he has gotten his third tomoe and has improved his taijutsu. Not to the point where he can beat Lee, but somewhere there, he has also gotten more fire style jutsu, which is good.

Naruto, by far, has improved the most. I'm very proud of him. He is on level 3 fuuinjutsu and by working alone with little help from is too which is very impressive. His chakra control has improved a lot from where it was in canon, and so has his ninjutsu and taijustu.
Right now, Kakashi and I are heading towards the hokage tower. Only God knows what that old man wants.

"Do you know why the old man called us?" I asked kakashi
"I have a couple of ideas." Kakashi replied, looking into his book
"Well, what are they?" I asked
"I'm sure you'll know when we get there." He replied back, still looking in his book.
I just huffed and looked away

"You know you've been acting weirdly lately, Kakashi. Am I that uninteresting that you can't even look at me when I'm talking to you! And it's not like you to keep me in suspense when we are making conversation. If you don't like me you can just tell me you know!" I yelled and ran away

I heard him call my name, but I just ignored him. I knew that he'll never like me. At first, he was all nice to me and sometimes a bit flirtatious. But now he seems to have changed to the point where he doesn't look at me and even misses our sparing matches. I guess mom was wrong on this one.
I cleaned my face off the tears that somehow got on my face and shunshined the rest of the way towards the hokage tower. I met the rest of the Jonin senseis when I got there  we all exchanged greetings and entered his office to wait for him. Kakashi came a while later and stood to my right.
"Hi." He said
"Hi." I said back
"Serenity I want to a-"
"Kakashi, this is not the time nor place to act all casual about this. You had your chance, and you lost it, so leave me alone." I said harshly
It hurt a lot to say these words, but really apologising in a meeting isn't really the best idea and that to so casually.

About a minute later, kurenai pulled me to where she was standing, asking what was wrong with kakashi and I, but I just responded with nothing. Gai just had to butt in, though.
"I can literally see the tension rolling of you two." He said
Of course, I ignored him and waited for the Hokage to enter.

----Timeskip after the hokage arrived and the other teams were nominated fort the chunin exams with irukas saying whatever for teams seven(sorry, I feel a bit lazy today)----
"Serenity, what do you think?" The hokage asked
"I think team seven is ready." I replied

"Okay, then it's settled. The rookie 9 and team gai will enter the chunin exams. Everyone dismissed except Serenity." The hokage spoke
All the Jonin filled out, but of course I could sense kakashi looking at me but ignored him.

The hokage put on the silencing seal and started speaking
"Something is going to happen in this chunin exams isn't it?"
"Well, if you already know, then why are you asking." I said back
"If you think I'm going to change the events by knowing, then you are wrong. I have a feeling I won't live past the chunin exams, and I'm not sad about it, so things will go on as it is supposed to be."
"Then I have a request for you."
"Go on."
"You already have explained to the phases on the exams, and Naruto and sasuke might have seals on them after the second phase. Sasuke the cursed seal and Naruto the 5 elemental seal. If they are able to arrive in the span of 3 days or earlier, seal sasuke's seal and release Naruto's elemental seal. If not, then leave it on until after the prelims." I explained
"I had a feeling orochimaru might strike but understood."
After his reply, I bowed and left
It was about time to inform the team about the chunin exams, which means I missed meeting Garra. Why do I always miss the iconic moments.
After a while, I arrived at the training grounds to see everyone waiting for me.
"Hello, sensei Serena-chan." They all greeted
"Hello." I greeted
"Kakashi Sensei was talking about entering us in the Chunin exams!" Naruto  exclaimed
"Yes, and here are the forms, so fill them out and go to the academy tomorrow and hand them out at the third floor. If you choose to participate, it's your choice." I said, handing the forms to them
"Remember, it's your choice." Kakashi repeated
"So the exams are tomorrow?" Naruto asked
"Yes, it is, dobe." Sasuke replied
"Well then, I'm going to ace it!!" Naruto shouted
"Ok then go and prepare for it. The time is 07:00am." I said as they left well most of them, kakashi was still standing there looking it at me. Of course I ignored him and started walking away till I heard him call my name. I turned around to face him, and then he started to walk towards me.
"What do you want, kakashi?" I asked
"I want to apologise for my behaviour." He said with his head low
"I could forgive you even though what you did hurt me, but
"Really, you would?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eye
"Chill." I said with a sigh."I will only forgive you if you tell me why you were acting that way." I said, hoping he would tell me.
"It's quite complicated, you see..."
"Well, are you going to tell me?" I asked
"I wish I could tell b-
"You just don't want to." I said, cutting him with tears already starting to spill
"Serenity, it's not that I want to tell you b-
"But you can't, it complicated. That's what you're going to say it's that, not it!?"
"Kakashi, all of this is hurting me more than you realise since you are failing to see it. You know, if you don't want to talk to me anymore it's fine you don't have to force yourself to do something you don't like. At some point, I thought we had something. i guess i was wrong." I said and vanished in a shunshin, failing to sense the genin hidden in the trees

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