Meeting team seven

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2 days later~~
I've been training for the past two days because I know what my skills are but can't use them efficiently.
I thought it would be easy,but it wasn't. I was new to the whole chakra thing so and I had to learn how to use it efficiently, but I can use it now, so all my efforts paid off.

Today is the day that I meet team seven and If I remember correctly kakashi is going to be 3 hours late to the academy and I don't want to have to do the bell test tomorrow so we are going to do it today. But first, I'm going to cook food, train a bit and watch more anime.

Kakashi's pov
I went to the hokage's office today to go and get the list for my team just to learn that they added this girl called Serenity to my team. If I remember correctly, she was that girl who took a suicidal mission 6 years ago. But I thought she was dead, not that I care, but i am curious though when she was here at first she was called konoha's fashion queen. I'm curious to see what she will wear today. Let's hope she doesn't disappoint. I waited for a while and then went to the academy, and as expected, my team was the last. The Naruto kid played a prank on me, and even though I could have dodged it, I was just too lazy to do it, so I told them to come to the roof and shunshined away I was curious, though my jonin partner still wasn't here, but oh well, maybe I would see her tomorrow. My team got here, and I told them to introduce themselves when suddenly
"Sorry, I am late, guys. I lost track of the time." There, I saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen in my life. she didn't look battle ready in the clothes she was dressed in right now, but I won't judge her. A ninjas' greatest weapon is deception.  Kakashi's pov end

When I got to the training grounds, everyone except kakashi seemed to look at me weirdly, but i couldn't see his reaction because of the mask. I apologised for my lateness and then said."OK, everyone, I, alongside kakashi-kun, here are going to be your jonin senseis for your time as genins. Oh, and if you want to know my age, then I'm 16 and don't judge my strength just because of my appearance and age."
"Well, you must be my partner Serenity then. Are you sure you can fight in those clothes?
"Don't worry, kakashi-kun, these clothes were made for battle, and I know because I made them. Anyways, let's get to introductions. My name is Serenity. I am 16 years old, my favourite foods are ramen and yakitori. I dislike rapist and people who judge, I like a certain guy and designing clothes. My hobbies are cooking, reading, dancing, and designing clothes. My dream for the future is to become the best ninja fashionista i could become and fulfil my tasks. Ok, Kakashi-kun, you're next."
"Fine, my name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes.. my dislikes.. my hobbies.. my dreams for the future. Hmm, I never really thought of it."
"Kakashi~~, you could have at least told us more about yourself  Ok, Naruto, you go first, then sakura, then Mr uchiha."
"My name is Naruto....." (We all know how that went)
"My name is Sakura...."
"My name is sasuke...."
"OK, now that we are done with introductions, we are going to do a test. Normally, it's done on the next day, but I'm too lazy for that shit so we are doing it today. Go to training ground 7 me and Kakashi I are coming. Kakashi, you know that they are not going to pass the teamwork test, right??" I asked
"You just came here yet, you realised. The uchiha is too caught up in his past, the haruno is a fan girl who hasn't touched her potential and would do anything for the uchiha even if it means naruto would go and the uzumaki needs more training and better fashion sense." He replied
" You know what, let's ditch the bell test and train them today. After that, let's go to my house for food, and i won't take no for an answer." I declared. Kakashi tried to protests but I held his hand and shunshined him to the training grounds.

When we got there, we saw the uchiha and Naruto glaring at each other and Sakura fawning over sasuke.
"So you all wanted to pass the test with this attitude. Good, I told kakashi to stop because you would've failed miserably,"
"And who are you to tell us what we would've gotten had we done the test miss know it all." The uchiha said while scowling.
"I am your superior, and you are going to follow all the instructions I give you whether you like it or not. You hear me! and that goes for all of you. Did you hear me!!!??" I demanded (imagine kushina is Serenity and Naruto or menma is team 7)
All of them"yes ma'am!!!

Ok, for now, you guys will be practising tree walking, and tomorrow, we will spar. Look at me as i demonstrate, kakashi, explain with as much detail as possible." Kakashi explained what was needed for the tree walking, and I walked up and down from the tree and gave them kunai to mark their progress.
Sakura easily got to the top because of her small chakra reserves, so i told her to do it over and over again till she exhausted herself. And of course she exhausted herself quickly.
"OK, you guys have all done well, and Naruto, you've done well for someone with reserves as large as yours and sasuke don't cut yourself short. I'm impressed. You all should ask Sakura for some tips, she got some talent. You guys should have dinner at my house today, follow me."

Hope you'll like this chapter!!

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