Chapter 12

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Wilda Quecorn Pov, August 1st, 2020, 10:30 AM

The bus driver slammed on the breaks after meeting Garwyn's eyes in the rear view mirror. All of us victims bounced forward onto the backs on the seats in front of us. We were in some sort of destination. This seems unreal, like it just doesn't sit right, like as if it were all a dream, I can awake with one movement, but of course we all had to move off the bus when we were told by the bus driver.

I was blind, and everything was blurry to me, and thank goodness I didn't fall on my nose when I tobbled on the last step. People were no longer people, but blurs of shapes, colors, shadows, and noises. I used to dream of people who look like that. Imagine I died on that bus, Imagine dying perhaps long before the bus, in the bunker with my family watching me fade away. Maybe it was a dream that I'm really here, maybe Angel City was all a..... dream.

"That was terrorfying!" Garwyn's voice came so suddenly that I first thought he was yelling at me, but he's just standing around bitching about the bus ride. "Quiet down." I told him. "I do not understand. Why are the people walking to random places? They are disappearing, and even Lachina vanished." I say hopelessly, yet hoping that my fellow blind acquaintance would have some imput, as he already seems more spontaneous than I am. He didn't answer me.

"Garwyn?" I ask nervously. The blur that is Garwyn suddenly fell to the side, colliding with my body. Then I felt this awful warm liquid and an awful mixed smell. Garwyn coughed, it seemed, and then I look into his white eyes. He looked slightly panicked realizing he vomited on me.

My wings! My wings! My wings! Garwyn's food that he ate, that has his germs, and spit on it is on my wings! I couldn't touch it, I bearly wanted to even breathe, but I screamed. I hate that. Did he do this on purpose? Is he trying to stop me?

Garwyn apologized in a high pitched voice before running away. With him running into a cabin, and my vision being blurry, he seemed like he disappeared like as if he was a ghost faded into the wind.

I soon realize that the ground was all dry sand, and there is just no way I can jump in a shower and get clean. I stood there, becoming more alone by the passing second, as I fear my family becomes closer to dying in each passing second. I approach one of those guards that guard the cabins, who remind me slightly of the guards at Cloudland.

"Exuse me?" I ask politely

"What?" He replied in his low and dark voice as he looked down at me.

"I just got off the weird, uh, Shapeshifter, um, bus thing and everyone seems to know what to do, but I don't."

"Okay. And.....?"

"I'm comfused."


"What am I supposed to do here? I'm all alone."

"You traveling to Angel City?" He sighs as he checks his watch.

"Oh, yes! I am on a mission you see, I need to get to-"

"Zip it." He interrupts as he held up a finger.  He motions another guard to get over here. I am so comfused. How the heck am I the only one who doesn't know where to go?

The other guard gives him a long list and leaves boardly.

The guard hands the list over to me. "You are assigned a cabin, find your name here. It should say where you need to go. You see, all the other people who just came off your bus already knows what cabin they were assigned."

Now I started to feel sick. I couldn't read any of this! My vision is horribly blurry without those stupid stupid glasses that always break so easily! I wanted to scream. I was so angry, and comfused at once and I would love to just fall asleep somewhere comfortable. Somewhere like my old house, but that can't happen. I'm here now in a different world.

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