Chapter 19

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Wilda Quecorn Pov, August 7th 8:35 AM

I am getting sick of this place.

Some old, same old, same old breakfast buffet, some old window where I can see Flinterwood. The farmer's market disguised as an amusement park. Same old Ki talking to a random old couple for five minutes before noticing me.

"Ki!?" I whisper yell.

Ki turns around, smiles to see me, and sits down.

"Ki, do you know Ewen?"


"Ewen...Krisana. He's a Phlea, but a stereotypical one. He's like, balding."

"This man Ewen, I know nothing of him." So she takes a sip of coffee. "Why?"

"He's evil."

"Evil? Phlea's aren't evil." She then smiled and left me.

I went back to the bookstore after breakfast.

"It's impossible Seaborn, there's magazines just don't ever tell us where the Royal Kingdom is located." I point out, as I come to a realization that the bookstore floor had magazines spread in a scattered pile.

Seaborn nods in agreement. "You have a lot of cleaning to do Wilda."

"Me? I have to clean all of it? We're not even done looking."

Seaborn watches me as I do more looking.

I felt that I was sort of fading away from the royalty magazines already.

"Okay, Seaborn, we are hitting up the next book store and not stopping untill we find out where the Royal Kingdom is." I tell him sternly.

Seaborn looks up at me from where we was sitting on the small furniture. "Perhaps Wilda, we go out on our own in a world that we don't know that's out of our control."

This didn't sit right. "But we can't make any mistakes, we have to get this right." I tell him.

"Wilda, look beyond the pages of a magazine. Look beyond the foolish trapped that you stumbled into. Look beyond the freezer because, let's be honest, it doesn't look remotely like a portal."

"Yes! But the chance of us dying out there is pretty easy. Something could be dangerous, poisonous, perhaps. I love a good risk, but not that kind."

Seaborn smiled casually. This man doesn't ever worry.

"Sometimes Wilda, you don't need to worry so much about the dangers, maybe you just need to believe."

"Believe we're safe?"

"Right on."

I've spent seventeen years being an optimist, I didn't worry so much, I knew how to lie, to scheme, when to run, when to jump, when to roll, when to go to sleep.

Now I'm confronted with uncertainty. I don't know how I'm going to make this work now. Everything around me seems to keep holding me back, but I don't want to make it worse. My last hope is to trust Seaborn, the soft-spoken, peaceful, over confidant man of the sea.

"Well, well, well..." Sneered a voice from behind me.

"You!" I accusingly pointed at Ewen as I came face to face with him once again.

Seaborn, as usual, watches us without making a word.

"Seaborn." He glares at Seaborn, basically forcing him to talk.

Seaborn smiles "How do you know my name?"

"YOU don't remember me." Ewen laughs. He perched himself on the very top of the bookshelf. "Oh, Seaborn. Born in the sea."

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