Chapter 34

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Wilda Quecorn Pov, September 3rd, 2020, 9:00 AM

I woke up late that morning sleeping on the concrete floor next to a few bushes in the garden outside of the castle.

The scent was terribly strong as it filled my nostrils. It also made me remember how my Mother told me many times in my childhood how there really is no plants in Angel City.

I rolled on my side and sniffed it.

It's real.

So, are my opinions on City life. It's really unexpected. I didn't really enjoy being a maid. I learned nothing, nothing from Queen Faryal, nothing from Kailani and Brecken, and absolutely nothing from Seaborn kissing me.

I rolled over on my back where my wings don't exactly interfere. "I was pretty amazing yesterday." I quietly told Lachina, who I assumed was out here somewhere.

Lachina didn't answer me, so I sat up. "Lachina?"

Lachina came running towards me a moment later. "Sorry I left and didn't tell you." She told me at first as she came to sit next to me. She also gave me a slip of paper.

"What's that?"

"The mailman dropped it off."

"Is it for the Queen? If it is, then we better get out and leave because I don't think anything good will happen if we hang around in a castle with a stone person." I tell her nervously.

Lachina didn't actually care about what I had said, instead, she holds up the letter and we read it together.

Dear Wilda,

I want to show you the experience of somebody else failing a flying test. I know that you feel like you're the only Flutter Creature that didn't pass, but Bora's younger brother Brontes is guaranteed to fail his. I want you there to watch it and see that you're not the only one. So please come back to the Hotel in downtown Angel City since Queen Faryal is dead as deserved.

From Onora.

I look at the note as the words stay the same. I bet every single trace of pencil led is part of some developed plan that Onora had in her shiny crystal brain.

"She's mad." I tell Lachina.

"Onora's mad at you? How do you know?"

"Because I said the speech, and everyone knows my name. I'm special, I'm great, and I'm wonderful and I crowd surfed. I freaking crowd surfed, Lachina! I thought that crowd surfing was only something of a faded dream, but dreams come true. Do you know why?"

Lachina looked so done with me. "Why, Wilda?"

"Because I believed."

Lachina just wasn't buying what I was selling, so she got up on her feet. "Queen Faryal may have turned to stone, but she has cookies in her kitchen cabinet. We better take some before we have to leave."

Lachina and I passed the stone of Queen Faryal, who couldn't save herself from terrible fate.

Lachina and I had mixed feelings. We were very excited to eat the raison cookies and also scared for the future. Nobody knows that the Queen is dead, and if I said the speech for her, people would know that I'm here, and if they know that I'm here, they could think that maybe I killed her?

Knock knock knock!

A cheerful knock was at the door, but it was still the last thing that I wanted to hear.

"Hide with a weapon!" I whisper to Lachina as I tossed a knife at her hopping that she'd catch it.

"What? Why?"

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