5. "Grimer?"

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Haruto paced around the room endlessly. He continuously muttered some things to himself that you don't really care about. Quirk this, quirk that. Possibilities. You stare at him with a blank, yet somehow angered face. You did not understand what he was even going on about. Except that there was a clear and fine conclusion to him; you have a quirk. Standing still, and looking at the shattered glass in front of you that was separating you and Haruto, you sigh.

"This is bullshit," You muttered. Please, if you actually had this power, could you imagine just how many dead zombies there would be? It did not make sense. How come when you are transported into this world you suddenly gain the power? Just thinking about it saddens you for some reason. If you had this power in the world prior, you could have saved them.

"It's clear as day you have a quirk, [Name]," Haruto starts to speak louder and clearer. He turns to you, red eyes meeting [Eye Color] eyes.

"Well, obviously..."

"Now, you don't have an excuse for denying anything that happens," he went on to explain his soon to be ramble. "Those spiders, obviously because of you. The glass—" He stopped and turned to the glass. "I can't do that, so it must've been you."

"Man, I don't know," You shrugged, unsure whether or not he was just messing with you. "Maybe it's like... a prank."

"Who would set up a prank in a testing room?" He gave you a dirty look, to which you rolled your eyes to and puffed. "[Name], you got to wake up from whatever daze you're in."

"Man, I just want to go home!" You whined, going to a wall and hitting your head on it. "I fell from the sky and I'm here, what did I even do to deserve this?!"

"What this is," Haruto walked up to you and patted your shoulder. "Is a second chance at life."

"I never asked for a second chance at life, damn it!"

"Shut your suicidal ass up," he grumbled angrily. "What matters is that you're here now, and not dead, so—"

"I'd rather be dead, honestly."



"Shut up."

"Oh, okay..."


"I'm telling you, Niko, I'm powerless!" You cried to the cat, who simply looked at you with its emerald eyes. It blinked, meowed, and tilted its head. "Haruto is delusional! You know, Hana said something about late bloomers, this quirk is probably his!" You tried to lie to yourself, but deep down, you knew that quirk was yours. You were tricking your mind into thinking that it wasn't. Well, it's always been something that stuck with you. Deny, hypnotize yourself into thinking something happened for another reason, deny again, and face the consequences later. "Niko... are you even real?"

Oh. What a sad thought. You softly pet his head, and he seems happy. Smiling softly, you continue to lay down with Niko, trying to get today's testing event out of your head. But, something bothered you. It bothered you, a lot. It was like you forgot something really important, and it scratched at your mind, but you couldn't remember it at all. You don't even know why it was important. You can't even remember what it was exactly— as in if it was an item, a person, or something completely different. That part is what bothered you completely.

Oh well, if you can't remember it, it must've not been that important, right?

You roll over and take in the white ceiling above you. It mocked you. It looked like it was taunting you for being stuck with it. The ceiling kind of had its way with the unsaid goal, it made you feel as if you were stuck. Stuck from ever returning to...

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