7. "Hell."

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Convinced all quirks had the same drawback as yours, you quickly freaked out at the given information. Both you and Midoriya were... taken aback greatly. Staring at All Might with a confused face trying to process the information he clearly gave you, you lower your eyes down to Niko, who is now sleeping peacefully.

"I fucking hate this world..." You muttered to yourself.

"What are those faces for?!" He seemed to be offended, yet he was laughing. "It was a proposal! The real work begins here, so listen up you two!"

"When was I involved in this hero shit?!" You shook your head, a wild yet fearful expression on your face. "I already have a quirk... I think?" ...Why are you even second guessing yourself now? All you've literally been doing for the past how many days or weeks or months or... besides the point, you've only been training. Nothing else, but training your quirk. What did you mean by I think?

This certainly caused a strange look between All Might and Midoriya, but you simply ignored it. You're best at ignoring situations and doing your own thing, anyways.

"I'm asking you if you want to try accepting my power!" He pointed, blood gushing out of his mouth. "This concerns my quirk."

"... I said I already have a quirk!"

"... That can be passed down," he coughed.

"Excuse me?!"

"The tabloids like to guess that it's super strength, or some sort of boosting power." All Might continues to speak. You're a tad bit irritated by what he meant on 'passed down'. "And I avoid the question by making jokes."


"Because, All Might, the Symbol of Peace," he starts to do a strange pose. It's... something. "Has to come off as a natural born hero." All Might then strikes yet another pose, "But my quirk was passed down to me. Like the Olympic Torch."

"Passed down to you?! Really?" Midoriya was completely surprised. More surprised than stressed, for some reason as opposed to you. He was quite blinding, being all excited like this. Two of you had two completely different reactions to the entire situation.

"And now, it may be your turn." He coughed. "Both your turns."

"Favoritism." You bluntly spoke. "I sense it with my fucking senses."

"Hey, no, [Surname], was it?" You nodded in response. "I'm giving you a chance."

"Well you clearly like lettuce more."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"H-Hold on a second!" Midoriya stuttered, seemingly finally processing what was happening. He then went on a very, very long tangent about quirks in general, and something else about All Might... whatever whatever. He talks too much.

"Dude, be quiet!" You lightly hit him on the shoulder.

"You really doubt me that much?! Nonsense!" All Might replied. "I have the ability to transfer the quirk I inherited! It is called One for All."

"How majestic," You said.

"[Surname], was that an actual compliment?"

"Sarcasm, yes or no?"

He completely ignored your comment, "The first person cultivates the power, and then passes it to another. Then it is passed on and on. By this, it creates a crystalline network of power!"

You know, he seems pretty excited about it, but you...

"What the fuck is a crystalline?" Another colorful word out of your mouth. How many is it now?

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