16. "Let the Games Begin."

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"So, now it is both of your guy's time to say... I am here!" All Might proudly beamed, a smile on his scrawny face.

"I don't know, Teach." You shrugged your shoulders. "This whole Sports Festival seems to be too much of a huge deal for me to genuinely care."

"[Surname]... that makes n-no sense at all," Midoriya stuttered, eating his lunch as the two of you conversed with the number one hero. "It's a huge thing because it allows us to be recognized by the strongest heroes— the more popular heroes that want to intern us, the more fame we get as well."

"... How about, no."

"This isn't something you can take lightly, Young [Name]!" All Might said, also eating his lunch. "This most definitely will decide your future!"

"What if I don't wanna pick a hero?!" You sighed, shaking your head. "I just want to stay home."

"I will make sure you get kicked out of this school, young lady."

"Okay, okay! I'll choose some hero! No biggie!" You shot back up, a panicked expression on your face. "I-I didn't work out for ten months for nothing!"

"That's the spirit my successors have!" All Might excitedly boasted.

"Yeah, yeah... I think I'm truly better off dead..."


You were simply trying to get out of class, well... obviously, you can't. Look at all those people right outside your classroom door. You were pissed, hungry, and tired. And guess what that makes you?

An asshole. A version of you that curses and insults people more than normally.

"The fuck are those bitches standing outside for?!" You angrily yelled, your eyes twitching as you saw the hoard of people in front of the entrance to the halls. "Go home! Nobody fucking likes you! Adopted pieces of shit!"

... There was well a chance none of them were adopted, and actually knew their parents... unlike a certain somebody who was extremely pissed, hungry, and tired.

"Move aside, you extras." Bakugou demanded them, you were right behind him in a hurry to get home and eat something, then fall asleep.

"Can we please not resort to calling them extras?!" Iida scolded Bakugou.

"I'm with the irrational pomeranian on this one!" You angrily growled, your stomach even growling with you at this point. "These fuckers need to move! So what if we beat some villains asses?!"

"Are all the kids in here like this blonde one?" A tired, raspy voice spoke. It was a male with purple hair, and you inhaled through your nose, holding your breath. You were annoyed, pissed, hungry, and were on the verge of crumbling all these students outside. You just wanted food. "You know, depending on the results of the Sports Festival, they're going to be deciding who is going to be transferred to the hero course. Reverse is also possible."

"The fuck is this insomniac going on about?" You rolled your eyes.

"This will be a perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals. This is a declaration of war."

"Oh... well, he just left..." You muttered.


"The fuck."

"I'm from Class 1-B!" The new voice yelled. "I heard you all fought villains, and I wanted to see, but all I see is this arrogant bastard! And her, too!"

"... Is he talking about me?"

"What do you think? Fucking moron," Bakugou scoffed at your words.

"I will fuck you up, Bakugou Katsuki." You sternly retorted.

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