8. "Suck it Up: Exams!"

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You whined, hearing your alarm go off. Grumbling, and throwing yourself onto the floor, you immediately start out your day with a little starfish stretch. You then sat there, staring at the darkness outside your window. It wasn't even blue, and this bitch of a hero made you get up at this time! Awful! Nonetheless, you got up, and prepared for the day ahead of you. Comfortable sneakers, comfortable clothing, and you were off.

It was another day with no training from Haruto and Oji. To be honest, they were quite puzzled when you said that you wanted to go to U.A. Obviously, it was an issue. For one, you are not enrolled in any junior high. For two, you are a wild specimen that appeared from out of the sky. For three, since you have no education backgrounds, you're fucked.

Well, U.A doesn't matter that much, right?!

"You can just say you're homeschooling. Nothing that bad, really."

"No fake education backgrounds?"

"Ah! No! That isn't justified at all!"

"I say it is," You shrugged. No care in this world at all. "People use fake things all the time— some are even fake themselves... metaphorically and physically."

"Well, even so... you have to prove your intelligence through the written exam." All Might explains as he is on top of his old man scooter— as you called it. "You fail that, you're probably not getting in."

"And that's where brainwashing comes in."

"No, [Surname], that's where you give up and do something else with your life."

"Vigilante!" You pumped a fist into the air. You never took anything too serious, truth be told. A part of you deep inside still thinks this entire thing is a dream. Living in denial was a constant thing you kept up for so long, even in your old world. The thing was, you forgot what you forced yourself to live like before, all you understand was that you denied something. A gut feeling, perhaps.

"Just... what am I going to do with you?" All Might sighed, shaking his head disappointingly.

You laughed for a short bit, suddenly turning your attention back on jogging mindlessly through wherever you two were at. The trees were... Well, trees. The sky was also quite pretty with the sun starting to come up. You found yourself admiring the scene in front of you.

"Hey, where's Midoriya? You're giving him a break, but not me?" You stopped, turning to All Might. "That's called favoritism!"

"Oh, no, he's just on the beach," he replied, pointing with his thumb behind him. "He's doing something. I have him get up at the same time as you."

"... You're lying."

"I'm not?"

"Uh-huh," You scoffed, continuing down the path. "You know, why was it even us anyway? Actually, no. I kind of get why. But... why Midoriya and... someone like me?"

All Might had only stayed silent, quietly following you.

"I understand why you wanted Midoriya to get it and all, but I already have a power." You say, still jogging. You wipe some stray sweat that was on your forehead, breathing in.

"Previous wielders had a quirk, too, you know." He spoke. "It's all about the spirit, kid. That's why One for All is passed down."

"Hm." You hummed, nodding at his reasons. "I suppose I'll take that as an answer."


Six in the morning. Hellish training, continuous complaining, and genuinely putting in the work to be a hero. You stood there, aloof with your head in the clouds. A daze. Dripping of sweat, ignoring everything else in the world.

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