4. "Deny, Deny, Deny!"

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"Hey Oji." You greeted the male politely, making your way to your room.

"Hey [Name]— where did you get that?" He asked, flinching as soon as he saw it. You looked the other way, a small smile appearing on your lips.

"Get what?" You played dumb, still smiling mischievously. Oji rolled his eyes and pointed at the black cat in your arms. You look down, and it looks back up at you with curious green eyes. "It saved me."

"Saved you? What could a cat possibly—"

"It saved me from a spider, a big one at that," You quickly shut him up. "I'm in debt to the cat now, so it'll be staying with us." You patted its head, having it purr in satisfaction. "You all practically kidnapped me, and are now holding me hostage. So the thing you could really make up for it is to let me have this cat."

"[Name], we did not kidnap you. It isn't like you'd prefer to live on the streets," Oji calmly stated. You know he was right, but does he know that you would maybe prefer to live on the streets?

"So can I keep it?"

"Do what you want," he sighed in reply, walking away. "Just so you know, if I get yelled at for this—"

"You won't."

"How come? How do you know?" Oji stopped and turned towards you. You only smiled once again, but nonetheless decided to answer.

"Nobody will yell at you. You're terribly afraid of cats," You explained, petting the furry creature in your hand. It purred in satisfaction. "I can tell."

"..." He stayed silent, and continued to walk off as you softly chuckled. You also made your way to your room where you were staying at the moment. Happy with your new friend, it seemed that this was a decent ending to the day.

You plopped down face first onto the bed that was provided. You rolled over, looking at the ceiling above you. White with specks— it looked like you were in a hospital room. The room was bland and empty. Haruto did say that they could decorate the room, but that would have to be for another day. You were pretty excited about that, decorating the room how you would like it to be can make it better for you, if it gives the vibes of home.

... What did home look like?

The cat beside you meowed, and you shot up looking at it with determined eyes.

"You don't have a name yet!" You said, the realization hitting you like a truck. "... What do I call you?" The cat tilted its head to the side, not understanding a single word you're saying. Obviously, to your knowledge, cats don't understand the human language. It was even surprising to yourself that this world didn't consist of people speaking differently. You stared into the cat's eyes for a while, trying to think of a name for the feline. "What even are you?" You suddenly questioned, also realizing you don't even know its gender. "How am I going to think of a name without—"

"He's a boy," Haruto calmly knocked on the door. "I'm coming in, if you don't mind?"

"Uh-huh..." You mumbled, staring at the pure white haired male. That's what really caught your attention. Haruto's hair looked like a mystery. From what you've seen in this world, white hair like that may not really be that big of a deal, but it just seemed so out there it caught your attention the most. "Wait, how'd you know he's a boy?"

"That's a stray cat that would come around every once in a while," he explained sitting down on a chair next to a table in your room. "He used to have a little girlfriend, according to Oji."

"Oji's afraid of cats, right?" You asked, clarifying whether you had the right conclusion.

"Yes, how perceptive you are." Haruto complimented. You smiled pridefully. "But, with how unfortunate the world is... a cruel thing had happened to her and she ended up passing away."

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