Chapter 1: Finn's POV

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While I was going to my room from the library I heard my name called 'Finn Ames' that's why I looked at the person who called me.

"Huh? Luo-yang?" I said surprise because I don't know why he's approaching me now but I'm nervous. What does he need from me?

"D-do you need something from me?" I asked nervously

"Come here" he said to me as he got closer and grabbed my arm

"Ah, where are we going? L-let me go. It hurts" I said because he was holding my arm tightly, I thought he was going to let me go because he stopped for a moment but he tightened his hold on my arm even more and said

"Hurts? Don't worry later you will feel not only pain but also pleasure" he smirked at me

"W-what are you saying? Let me go" I said loudly while struggling in his grip

"Shut up" he said that before I passed out


I slowly opened my eyes and saw that the room was not familiar. Where I am? Huh? Wait. Why are my hands and feet tied? and also my nape is in pain. Ah, I remembered that before I passed out I was with Luo-yang. Where is he, by the way? I need to escape. While I was trying to escape, the door suddenly opened and Luo-yang entered.

"Its good that you're awake now" he said and closed, no, he locked the door.

"L-let me go, untie me.... please" I said as I moving backwards while he is approaching me

"You are an interesting person, Finn. I immediately liked you, when I saw you for the first time during the exam, you haven't lost in my mind since then. I really like you now, Finn." he said and as I continued to move backwards, I felt that what was right behind me was a wall now. When he saw that I had nowhere to go he quickly approached me and grabbed my thigh

"P-please, l-let me go Lou-yang. I'm scared" I said to him, I'm really scared right now, please someone help me. Brother, Lance...

"No one will going to help you, Finn." he said and started to take off my clothes while I struggled and screamed for help as he gagged my mouth I just burst into tears because I knew no help would come for me.

(to be continued...)

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