Chapter 8:

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It's not that lance doesn't believe what finn says, but lance can't understand what is he feeling right now, so even though he didn't want to do it, he still followed where finn was going.

Finn said he would do something but... 'wait, why does it seem to be going to where louyang is? Don't tell me he's going to Lou yang?' in Lance's mind. And he wasn't wrong because finn went inside where louyang was. Lance wanted to follow Finn inside but he couldn't because he does not want finn to know that he followed him and he didn't want him to be angry with him and say that he doubted him, so he came a little closer to the door and put his ear to the door so that he could somehow hear their conversation even a little bit.

From the inside where finn entered he saw louyang lying on his bed and sat up when he heard the door opened and was surprised to see finn instead of his brother rayne.

"What is my pleasure to meet you again, my love" he said and stood up and slowly approached the door of his prison

"Don't call me that" finn said annoyed to him, and he just noticed that what kaldo told him was true because he noticed that there were many wounds and bruises on louyang's face and even on other parts of his body

"Then why are you here? What do you want?" the other one said and went back to his bed seeing Finn looking at him gently

"I-i want to ask you something" he said, but louyang didn't answer so finn continued

"What happened to you?" Finn asked but Louyang didn't answer


"Do I need to answer your questions?" Said louyang interrupting finn's words

"Yes" he answered

"What if I don't want to answer?" He ask again


"Your brother did all this to me" he started

"He can't do that, my brother can't do...."

"Yes, he can. You asked me, I answered." and he sat back on his bed and looked at where finn is, he was also just looking at him and didn't speak

"Remember what I did to you?" And he slowly grinned and came closer to him, finn backed away even though he knew he wouldn't come close to him because he is inside of a jail, but he can't help but stay away because he knows him and what he can do

"You think your brother is nice, kind or what do you called to it?"

"Because he is..."

"You are right." Louyang said

"But it's wrong to do that" Finn said which surprised Louyang

"What are you talking about?"

"I know that you did something bad to me, but.... but......"

"Get out of here" louyang said..


"GET OUT!!" finn was surprised by louyang's sudden voice and at the same time the door opened and lance entered, looking angrily at louyang.

"La-lance..? W-what..."

"How dare you to shout at him?" Lance said angrily as he approached Louyang.

(to be continued...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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