Chapter 7: Finn's POV

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"Are you okay?"


"I thought you saw me coming towards you, but apparently you didn't?"

"I'm sorry" I said but he just smiled at me

"You don't need to be sorry, are you okay? What are you thinking?" He asked while sitting on the other sit in front of me

"Don't worry, I'm fine"



"Tell me"

"Huh?" He held both of my hands

"Tell me, what's on your mind"


[ Flashback ]

"We need to talk" kaldo said and he pulled me to a seat to sit on the outside

"Sit down" He pointed to a chair in front of him,

"Um- what are we goin to talk about?" I asked him

"How are you these past few weeks?"

"Ha? Oh- I'm fine?"

"No, are you really fine?" he asked again

"Kaldo-san, what are we really-"

"Rayne and umm...

I am waiting for what he had to say next, he was having second thoughts whether he will tell me or not





"I don't want to hear it then, please don't mention his name on my face anymore, I'm sorry" I was about to stand but he stopped me

"Wait" he hold my hand, I looked at him.

"Please.." he begged, so I sat down again

"You know what happened, kaldo-san. Everytime I heard his name, I got scared. I always dreamed of him doing something again and again on me, that is why....."

"I know that, but Rayne"

"What about my brother?"

"It's been a weeks since your brother brought him on the ground torturing him all over again. Highs doesn't know everything and the second exam will be held soon, visionaries need to be there L as well if ever. I know he's doing that for you but he being a visionary will be afftected if he didn't let louyang go"

"I- he what?" I asked in disbelief

"My brother punishing lou- him?" He nod

"But I thought... he said that someone punishing him for his crime, he lied to me?"

"No, Rayne didn't tell you about that just because he wants to punish him for doing that to you"

"But he is torturing him not punishing, right?"

"Please, I'm worried for rayne too. Please talk to him, thank you." and he left after that



While I remembering what Kaldo-san and I talked about earlier, I was surprised when Lance suddenly called me, 'Finn' yes, I forgot that he was still here asking me what happened

"Oh- I'm sorry"

"Are you really okay?" he asked me curiously

"Yes" I said but based on the way he looks at me, he doesn't believe what I saying, so I spoke again.

"Actually, I need to do something today. If it's okay can we go out another time?" I said

We planned yesterday that we're going out to school for a walk and enjoy our time together but I guess...

"Is that really important?" he asked

"Yes, I'm sorry"

"Do you want me to go with you? I can help you if you want?"

"NO! Oh-" I covered my mouth

"I-im sorry, I didn't mean to...

"It's okay" he said and he stood up, so I stood up too and was about to say sorry again when he just smiled me and say

"Another time then" after he said that he smiled at me and leave while waving his hand on me

I waved back at him and sighed. I need to see Louyang.

(to be continued...)

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