Chapter 5: Finn's POV

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"Hey" said lance while smiling "It's just me, I'm sorry if i scare you." and he lowered his hand that was caressing my face earlier


"It's okay, Finn."

"No..." I do not know what to say. I thought, I looked at him, and he's looking at me too and he smiled.

"I told you, it's fine. I-i just really want to touch your face while you're sleeping and I didn't know that you're going to wake up while– I really sory for waking and scaring you." Instead of replying to what he says, I said...

"Why are you here?" we stare at each other longs before he answer

"I ask your brother if I can see you, before he allow it, I need to force him first to agreeing me visit you, he y'know..." and I noticed that both his cheeks were red and bruised and that his lips and his arm were wounded

"W-what happened?" I asked worriedly "Can I?" he ask me if he can touch me and I nod immediately.

"Yes" and when he touch my cheeks, I lean with his touch. His touch is not like.. like– i love these more than anyone else.

"I'm sorry for happening this to you, finn. I really am." he says this while looking at me and stroking my cheek. and I was about to open my mouth to talk– to say that it's not his fault that these happened to me, when he just shake his head telling me not to speak and let him just say everything he wants to say first, before I can and I just close my mouth again and just stare him as he staring at with me too.

"I know, I know that you like me. and I thought that If I just ignore you and your feelings for me. Finally your feelings will disappear but I'm wrong. You still always looking at me, it didn't disappear, even it grows more, right?" he look at me asking and I just nod at him.

"I'm sorry, if I had just faced my feelings for you this would not have happened to you, It's all my fault. It's all my fvcking fault." and there were tears fall in his eyes, so I raised my hands to wipe the tears that fell from his eyes

"No, no. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself because it no ones fault– it's not mine or yours. So, please." he held my hands and said those words that I really want to heard before from him

"I love you, finn." my eyes went wide "W-what are you saying?" I could not believe what I heard. He loves me? He loves me, too?

"I-i don't...."

"I know it's hard to believe but– I really loved you and I want to show it to you. Please give me a second chance to prove it. Let's start again, please finn." I looked at his eyes and I saw that he really is sincere

"Fine. I will give you a chance to prove it, but it's not be easy now." he just smirked at me

"No problem, as long as it's for you I don't care how difficult I go through just for you to agree to be with me. I love you after all." I smiled at his words and I hug him, he hugs me too.

(to be continued...)

I LOVE YOU, IM SORRYWhere stories live. Discover now