Chapter 3: Rayne's POV

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"Why are you still here outside?" I said when I saw him walking while I was checking every student if they already in their beds now.


"I said, why are you still here? What are you doing here outside?"


"Go back to your room" and I was about to leave him when we heard something. What is that? Did someone attack us again? Tss. I look at Finn...

"Go back to your room, stay there and don't come out.. Understand?"


"No, buts.. QUICK!!" and I ran towards the noise I heard


But instead of seeing an enemy, what I saw was  A first year Louyang lying on the floor and Lance ready to attack Louyang for a second time.

"Graviole Sec–


"What?" they looked at me surprised

"Fighting in the middle of the night. What do you two think you are doing?" I said while approaching them

"It's not my fault, that guy–



"Brother..." Finn? Yes, I'm right he followed me again. Stubborn *sigh*

"W-what happ–

"Why are you here? I told you to go back to your dorm, didn't I?"

"I'm sorry but I can't go back while you are here coming to an enemy"

"Tsk. It's not an enemy"

"What?" I faced them again and Finn followed what I was looking at

"L-lance and...... Luoyang?"

"Hello there/Finn" both luoyang and lance said when they saw Finn looking


"I told him... everything" said luoyang while grinning, what does he mean? I didn't know what he meant so I looked at Finn and was surprised by his reaction

"W-what? Why are you crying? Hey!" I asked as I approached him, he's crying

"What the hell is happening? Hey..." I ask but he cried even harder

"Finn" Lance called and touch both of his shoulders

"Shhh...." he calming finn down

"Calm down, I'm sorry" he said, sorry? For what? I raised my eyebrows and looked at Louyang who gradually rising from his position
and look back at Lance who was now hugging Finn.

"What the fvck is going on?" I ask while glaring at them



"What is happening here?!" orter suddenly appeared and when I look at him, I saw that he is with Mash and with the other students also

"You all" I point to the students

"Go back to your rooms and don't come out as long as we don't say anything, QUICK!!" and they'll run except for us six.

"What is happening here?" orter asked again but I too want to know what is happening

"That's what I want to know too" and I looked at them again

"I'm going to tell you but Finn....

I followed his gaze, finn still didn't stop crying so I approached them,

"Finn" I called him, he looked at me and he hugged me suddenly so I hug him back

"B-brother" he still cried until he lost consciousness

"Finn" lance was going to hold finn but I glare at him and picked Finn up to take him to my room but before we left I faced Orter

"Please don't let them leave, I will talk to them after I brought finn to my room"

"Go to my room then.." I just nodded and left

(to be continued...)

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