Chapter 2: Lance's POV

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I am here now in the room with the three divine visionaries who are Orter, Kaldo and Finn's big brother Rayne. We are here today because we discussed that when we win the exam we will celebrate, but mash and finn are not here yet.

"Where are those two, why are they taking so long to come?" dot said bored.

"Can you just wait, you're making a lot of noise. So annoying" I said to him because he is too noisy

"What did you say?!" I was about to speak when the door opened and mash walked in

"Where is Finn? Why aren't you with him?" I asked him where Finn was because finn wasn't with him

" Oh, he wasn't in the room and I looked for him in another place but he wasn't there either so I came here because I thought he was here but I guess he's not here either." he said

"Argh, where did he go again this time?" dot said irritated

"I'll find him, you can start the party without us." I said but at the same time the door opened again and Finn entered the room.

"I'm sorry I'm late" he said with his head down

Dot was about to start talking again when Kaldo spoke.

"And since Finn is here now, let's start the party!!!" he said cheerfully and dot didn't even bother to speak again because he started eating and dancing with lemon and mash.

I just sigh and look to Finn to call him, so we also can eat because he was just standing there,
but when we looked at each other and I was about to approach him, he looked away and went to the other seat to sit.


When the party was over we went back to our own dorm and while I was walking to my room, I bumped into Luo-yang.

"Sorry" I said and I was about to go when he spoke

"You don't need to say sorry, I'm the one who needs to say that" I looked at him but he just smirked at me, so I raised an eyebrow to him

"You are Lance, right? Lance Crown, Mash Burnedead friends and the one Finn's like" I was surprised by what he said because how did he know that Finn likes me?

"What are you talking about?" I asked him seriously, but instead to answer he just laugh and–

"Stop pretending that you don't know about his feelings for you" I just looked at him, so he just spoke again

"Did you know, finn and I—" he came to me and whispered something to me that made my blood boil.

"BASTARD!! I WILL FVCKING KILL YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!!" how dare he do that to Finn? I will fvcking end his life, right now.

I always knew that Finn likes me more than just a friend, but I didn't pay attention to it because I thought it would pass... that some other time or day he will forgot his feelings for me but I'm wrong and hearing Luo-yang said that I can feel my wants to kill him with my own hands tonight.

"Really? But before you kill me, why don't you listen first to my stories?" he said grinning

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FVCKING STORIES" I shout at him and ready to attacked him but—

"But aren't you curious what did I do to him?"


"He's an interesting person, when I saw him for the first time during the exam, he attract me and that day I always looking for him, and that day too I find out that he likes you. No, he loves you and he always looks at you with love when you're not looking. But fvck, you didn't care about him, that's why this day I decided to r***d him. I am so fvcking lucky because I tasted him, his skin is so white, his voice, I like to heard his panting voice again and specially you know what is the most best of all that?" he looked at me smiling

"his a**h*le, it's so fvcking pink and tas—" I didn't let him finish and I immediately punched his face

and as he lay on the floor 'Graviole'

(to be continued...)

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