Chapter 6: Kaldo's POV

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"How's Finn?" I ask rayne, one time when we're hanging out "He's Fine, he is still recovering but he is fine."

"That's good then" I smiled "but rayne.." I look at him, he stop doing what he is doing and look at me for awhile 'What?' he ask

"How about Louyang?"

"What about him?" he ask me back, and continued what he was doing

"you know what I mean, rayne"

"Tell me clearly then I know" he said and I just sigh

"how long do you intend Louyang to lock him up in the underground punishing room?"

"until I satisfied? Until he died?" he said blatantly

"Is that what Finn wants?" I ask him but he glared at me

"Shut the fvck up, Kaldo" after he said that, he left the room.

"you shouldn't have said that" I look at orter "Why?"

"You know what happened to his brother, right?"

"I know but–

"no buts kaldo, the louyang kid has do something bad.. no, worst to finn his brother. and if i were him, i might do the same" he said and I nodded

"you need to talk to him again and apologized man"

"yeah, sure"


I know really well that, but I just worried about him too. The high doesn't know about anything and he will be punished too if he do something's terrible too.

"Rayne?" I knocked at his room, I want to talk to him again "Are you there, Rayne?"

I was about to knock again when it suddenly opened and Rayne come out 'What?'

"Oh... hi"

"What do you want, Kaldo?" he asked boringly

"I want to talk to you, can I?" I suggested if I can enter his room 'K' and he opened the door wide so I can enter


"Is that all you want to say?" he asked me gritting his teeth

"Rayne, you know that is wrong– that is wrong to put justice on your own hands. why don't you just let the higher ups give him the punishment he deserves?"

"what I'm doing is not wrong kaldo" he says "you don't even know what I'm feeling right now, so why can't you just leave me alone, huh?" he added

"You are a visionaries, rayne." I said

"I fvking know that, that is why I'm feeling like this" he shouted and punch the wall 'Rayne' I called and was going to approached him, but he stopped me

"I am one of the visionaries but I couldn't protect my brother for that fvking a**h*le" after he says that he looked at me and opening his door, he didn't say anything but I know what that's mean, so I said bye to him and left

I said that I'm going to say sorry to him, not like this. Argh, and I just sighed and thought about what would I be going to do, for now

"kaldo-san?" Huh? I immediately looked in front of me when I heard Finn's Voice and saw him smiling at me

"Finn" I called him

"What's wrong?" He said, and I thought maybe the one I should be talking to is finn and not rayne?

" I saw you looked irritated, is there a .... " I didn't let him finish what he had to say

"We need to talk "

(to be continued...)

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